I'm continuing work on Lashriddled. Progress rolls along slowly, but the keep and the hospital are done and now I'm working on a palace in preparation for the arrival of the monarch. It will have offices and quarters for all the nobles, a small library for records keeping, a dungeon, a barracks, and, of course, a lavish dining room, bedroom, and throne room for the King. Still in the digging out phase, but the forges are firing to get the metals ready and the engravers are practicing on a large patch of mined-out rock so that they be ready to do their best work once it's time to lay a chisel to the palace walls.
It's been a remarkably peaceful fort. While we have good defences, we've been at peace with the elves and the humans. The goblins were beat badly in a pre-fort war, and necromancy is nearly unheard of.