I know that this number is impressive but there are still about 6 posts per month (maybe more but not much).
Post quality is generally higher so I don't mind.
I was here basically from day one so I may try it but I don't have any mod experience.
A community dedicated to homebrewing beer, mead, wine, cider and everything in between. If it ferments, bring it over here.
Share recipes, ideas, ask for feedback or just advice.
Some starting points for beginners:
Quick and diry guide to fermenting fruit - cider and wine
I know that this number is impressive but there are still about 6 posts per month (maybe more but not much).
Post quality is generally higher so I don't mind.
I was here basically from day one so I may try it but I don't have any mod experience.
but I don't have any mod experience
Mod 101 - if you see something nasty or spam shaped use the mod greathammer. Politely.
Congratulations! New moderator!
Nice to have a sizable active community