
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

It was choice between that or leave it for first car that would drive there.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 hours ago

On new mobile I use android deblote tool and remove with it all recommended apps.

And I have only aosp default files app so I think that it is possible. Just to be safe I would make back up.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

Here they have only lices, nothing much to worry about.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

You can simply write [email protected]

It is recognized as link to community and not as link to web page.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

It was built 100 yers after lager brewing proces and ~500 years after hops usage. 200 years ago or so the brewing process became more industrialized, this brewery was modernized multiple times and was in use until 1977.

In about 200 years it basically didn't changed. But these really old technologies and history is interesting too, you just refer to something at least 100 years off of what I refer to in my post.

I hope that I will visit National museum of brewing technology this fall, they have loads of instruments, machinery and stuff from 19th and early 20th century when they really experimented with the process. In my opinion it is most interesting part of industrial brewing history.


So I recently visited brewery with 100yo technology and what struck me most was how little has changed.

Now you basically have only differences in driving the brewery - electromotors instead of steam engines and transmissions.

Basic technology like 2 tanks - one for boiling and mashing, other for sparge and leaving decoction parts (with perforated bottom) - is same to this day.

Other thing that's different is cooling, you now have coolers for quickly cooling wort and cooled tanks. Instead of shallow baths where the wort is pooled to cool and putting ice to cellars.

So did you checked some historical brewerys with copper tanks and stuff like this? Did it make you change or adjust your brewing setup? Did you learn anything?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

It may be bad storage on distribution site or something you can't affect. You just can't recognize it if you don't do it every day, even in industrial setting you can notice it after few days so don't think about it that much. You probably got bad batch of yeasts, it happens, I do the same thing and usually it is ok.

The dropping out of beer characteristics of yeasts is attribute after they die so you could get less vital batch or something it doesn't say much.

For storing in fridge it is usually enough at about 5°C the yeasts settle down and you don't need filtration or pasteurization for getting clean long lasting beer (when you store it correctly).

So tldr of your issue is probably combination of bad measurements and bad batch of yeasts, shit happens, and good luck on next try - you probably didn't do anything wrong.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Congrats you made drinkable beer. At least it wasn't complete loss.

Bad yeasts is pretty easy issue to solve so good luck on your next brews.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

It is standard on these regional trains here. When the weather is nice loads of people use it.

Busses don't like bikes here, but it usually isn't problem because we have dense rail network and you can ride about 5km to nearest station.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I took the photo few stops before end station, there was another bike and lot more people but for 10 minutes I had the section for myself.

Also I planed for less busy time.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

With my muscles and it isn't locked, you put front wheel on hook and rear wheel in the rack. It is secure only when you have the sweet spot of tire size- MTB doesn't fit and road bike moves too much. But I never had issues with this system.


This "sauna" weather isn't the best for bikepacking, I had to take breaks pretty often. There is cherry season so you always find "reason" to stop for some "snack".


"They don't let reporters in here!" At an event paid for by a U.S. government blacklisted spy firm. I wonder how many years in a row I'll be able to infiltrate ISS World Prague, since I always post a hilarious photo. (Czech language, can be translated via Deepl)

If you can give @[email protected] subscribe. I just stole it from there.


This post may be used as resource for others so try to structure it somehow. Share whatever you think will be useful- links, local knowledge, interesting places, routes, maps...

Alien pickup (

And I looked at what I can add to have free shipping. After I told my mum that they have unicycles she told me: "It will be f-ing awesome, buy it."

So as responsible, grown up man I am now owner of unicycle.

(Here you can see how I tested the rack)


I didn't check the route and miss the second defensive line near Pohořelice so no bunkers this time.

Because of high solar activity there was aurora visible even at my location. But my Samsung ai did heavy lifting there it looked more like light smog.

Second photo is of last building still standing after construction of our nuclear plant and demolition of 3 vilages.

The third photo is of stream crossing that really suprased me, steep downhill then breaks, off the bike to check for rocks to not end up in it.

I don't take much photos so this is all I got.


I am looking for new rear rack. I currently have old rack that I got with my first bike (about 20 years ago) so it shows its age.

I considered 2 options:

  • aluminum rack
  • cheaper option, they are everywhere
  • CrMo steel rack
  • durability, weight, less probability of corrosion of my CrMo frame.

So if you have some specific suggestions I would like to read them. I was looking at Tubus racks (grand tour and Logo) and some Decathlon options.


I think this may fit here, some of these setups are pretty sick.


On overnighter this weekend I checked out another one. This one is more standard, but still it is basically standard one split and with road in between the halves.

48°49.45520'N, 16°27.96262'E


I managed to find some file sharing service (my instance probably didn't support pictures) so I post here some detailed pics of this bunker.

48°14.44900'N, 16°57.19794'E

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