Chimps are scary AF, I'm never going near one
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People do not grasp how strong they can be and they are wild animals.
While I like large cats, I’m not going to have a tiger in my home.
It's even got the 42-year-old male chimpanzee disappearing into the forest.. there's a made for TV movie here
Maybe they could make a movie or TV show about a whole planet of such apes
What, like, if they evolved and took over or something? Lol that's ridiculous nobody would watch that.
Invite the other chimps next time. Stingy.
I despise chimps (and monkeys) with a passion. Saying this to people gets me treated like saying I torture puppies for fun, which I most certainly do not, but I just think they're evil little fuckers. I would never harm one, because it has every right to live, but I don't want to go see them at the zoo, I don't want anything to do with them, and I don't understand the fascination seemingly everyone has with them. They creep me out. They're like little humans, except when a person gets mad for a stupid reason you can at least try to talk them down and reason with them before they get out of control, a chimp will just rip your face off.
Buddy and Ollie attacked St. James simultaneously; one chimp initially attacked St. James's face, the other attacked his foot. The sanctuary owner's son-in-law, Mark Carruthers, retrieved a 45-caliber revolver and shot Buddy in the head. Meanwhile, Ollie dragged St. James's body down a walkway. Carruthers followed and killed Ollie by gunshot.
The chimpanzees destroyed a majority of St. James's fingers, his left foot, most of his buttocks, both testicles, part of his torso, and parts of his face including his nose and his lips.