this has to be the most empty twab i have ever seen.
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I think this is going to be the norm till at least the August showcase, probably till TFS. We'll get 2 maybe 3 TWIDs with detail and the rest are going to be just empty like this.
I think something people forget is that we got A LOT of changes over the last year with Subclass 3.0 and a crap ton of weapon changes. There was a lot more to talk about in TWABs last year. Further back than that I don't have a good memory of what they talked about.
I don't think empty ones are necessarily bad. Nothing's really going on, so people shouldn't expect anything. Yet so many expect full TWIDs with information on upcoming changes and content and all that. It's understandable to be upset that there's nothing this week, but so many people over on Reddit act entitled and are saying stuff like "way to ruin the community," "I hope Marathon blows up in their face," "D2 development is over."
Like I'm not defending Bungie at all, but come on. So many people there are straight up delusional, incorrect, and simply wanting to hate. It's like Twitter over there.
All video game subreddits are/were like that. It’s exhausting lol. No amount of money could convince me to be a community manager for video games. I think smaller TWIDs are fine. Maybe they should just set expectations. Idk.
Yeah, there are reasons that I've completely cut the twitter and reddit destiny communities out of my browsing for reasons aside from reddit and twitter exploding.
Same. I mean, I've never liked Twitter so that wasn't an issue, but r/destinythegame has been such a hateful and just annoying place for so long. It's an echo chamber of negativity.
Twitter is arguably even worse. I swear not a day goes by without over half that community screeching to high heavens about (insert commonly known issue here). Like, I know that that game's in a bad state right now! Everyone knows it's in a bad state! I don't need to be constantly reminded!
Man, I was expecting this to be the figurative "it's just a lot of empty language that's used on uninteresting topics to make the twab seem big" kind of empty twab but no there's just nothing there.
Moin Moin (That’s “Hello” in German), Guardians. This week in Destiny, we are going fishing! All over the world, Guardians have fallen in love with those little fishies. So, this week we have something special for you! But first...
In case you missed something, last week we talked about:
Pride at Bungie 2023 recap and a free emote. A nice little sandbox Q&A to dive a little bit deeper into some of the most frequent burning questions. Iron Banner is back with Eruption. Fashion contest picks for #DrownInTheDrip. PlayStation x Destiny 2 crossover art roundup. So, this week we will dive in the following stuff:
Throne World fishing rally. Bungie Day Giving Festival announcement. What’s new from our Player Support Team. Weekly #Destiny2AOTW and #Destiny2MOTW picks. With no further ado, let´s get into it: GET THE FISHIES AND THE LOOT! To start this TWID off we have a tip for all who haven´t found out yet: you might want to visit Hawthorne. We heard that her people found something in the fishing ponds in the Throne World.
Go and spend some time there and see what bites! Remember you gotta catch ´em all. Have fun fishing, Guardians!
BUNGIE DAY GIVING FESTIVAL Bungie Day (July 7) is right around the corner, and we are excited to welcome back the Bungie Day Giving Festival for its fourth edition. This year’s campaign returns with some of our biggest incentives, prizes, and surprises yet! The festivities kick off on Thursday July 6 at 10:00 a.m. PST with our first featured stream and the fun rolls through July 23.
There will be more ways than ever to get involved this year with the campaign. Stay tuned for a special blog post next Wednesday, June 28, for full details on how to register, what you can earn AND win, and to learn about all the ways your continued support has created real, impactful, tangible good in the world. Don’t miss it!
The Player Support team is back with another report about known issues and aspects of the game that players should be aware of in the coming weeks. Here’s their report:
Known Issues List | Help Forums | Bungie Help Twitter
KNOWN ISSUES While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
We are aware of an issue where the "Battle Rhythm" Seasonal challenge incorrectly instructs players to defeat targets anywhere in the system. This challenge can be successfully completed in Crucible, Gambit, or Vanguard Ops playlists. The Strand Slayer Crucible bounty is not progressing from Strand Primary weapon kills. Players can die from finishers if the enemy dies before the finisher animation completes. The “Efficient Angler” Seasonal cChallenge is progressing inconsistently. The Crucible Competitive placement series does not drop the Mercurial Overreach Sniper Rifle. Due to an issue, the Kephri’s Horn Exotic Titan Helmet has been temporarily disabled. The Helm of Saint-14 Exotic Titan Helmet is not functioning as expected. Players can get stuck outside of the final boss arena after self-reviving in the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon. For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum. FROM TWAB TO TWID
Hippy: From TWAB to TWID, there’s a journey behind every blog post. If ever there was a more accurate representation of what that process is like, it’s this. Please, take this 100 percent seriously. It’s very serious, OK. OK?!
Movie of the Week: Where TWID?
Bruno: Fishing, what a great thing, right? EsSpecially in good company.
So, that is it for this week's TWID. I hope you had fun reading and now go catch some fish! Get ready for the upcoming Bungie Day Giving Festival, and keep an eye out for a preview of our mid-season weapon tuning updates in July. See you next time and haut rein (That’s “Let´s go” in German)!