I'm so sick of "That doctor won't debate this opinionated jackass because the doc knows he'll lose!"
No, he just knows it's a waste of time. Why bring an educated, nuanced, well thought out position to a shit-flinging contest?
I'm so sick of "That doctor won't debate this opinionated jackass because the doc knows he'll lose!"
No, he just knows it's a waste of time. Why bring an educated, nuanced, well thought out position to a shit-flinging contest?
Anti intellectuals saw the formula used by Ben Shapiro has mass appeal to people looking to have their own opinions validated. It's a race to the bottom with these people. Im glad the community is seeing the writing on the wall though.
That tweet thread is making me so mad. It’s so lazy of the people to want to debate without having to do any serious due diligence on a topic. This one and climate change are the worst offenders
it's about time
Twitter is such a shit show. The longer respectable people hang on, the more legitimacy it keeps. Stop waffling and just leave already.