A community for respectful discussion and memes related to autism acceptance. All neurotypes are welcome.
- Acceptance
- Openness
- Understanding
- Equality
- Reciprocity
- Mutuality
- Love
- No abusive, derogatory, or offensive post/comments e.g: racism, sexism, religious hatred, homophobia, gatekeeping, trolling.
- Posts must be related to autism, off-topic discussions happen in the matrix chat.
- Your posts must include a text body. It doesn't have to be long, it just needs to be descriptive.
- Do not request donations.
- Be respectful in discussions.
- Do not post misinformation.
- Mark NSFW content accordingly.
- Do not promote Autism Speaks.
- General Lemmy World rules.
- Open acceptance of all autism levels as a respectable neurotype.
- Funny memes.
- Respectful venting.
- Describe posts of pictures/memes using text in the body for our visually impaired users.
- Welcoming and accepting attitudes.
- Questions regarding autism.
- Questions on confusing situations.
- Seeking and sharing support.
- Engagement in our community's values.
- Expressing a difference of opinion without directly insulting another user.
- Please report questionable posts and let the mods deal with it. Chat Room
- We have a chat room! Want to engage in dialogue? Come join us at the community's Matrix Chat.
Helpful Resources
- Are you seeking education, support groups, and more? Take a look at our list of helpful resources.
Ive always called it 'ninja bailing' and it's one of the few things I do that I don't regret. Most of the time my friends are drunk enough to not even notice or remember that I left.
That only makes sense if I leave my one party per year two days early.
Hahaha. The key has always been to head for the door thirty minutes before you actually wanted to leave.
When my band plays we get mobbed afterwards with people wanting to talk to us, buy us drinks, etc. I usually stick around for about half an hour then ghost out, disappear, and go home. I'm single, but not interested in dating, and it always makes the other guys in the band laugh at how that drives the ladies crazy. And some of the men too lol.
how many parties do you need to go to to save up that much now, lol
Another comment mentions heading for the door 30 minutes before you intend to leave. At that rate, one needs to leave a party early almost twice every week to save two days a year.
If you don't go to parties, you can save even more