this post was submitted on 23 Aug 2023
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Toronto Cycling

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I feel nauseated every time I hear of another cyclist being murdered. And ANOTHER hit-and-run, too.

For the record, this area does not appear to have cycling infrastructure in place. So yeah, City of Mississauga, this one is partially on you.

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

At least it looks like they know who the driver is and they're probably going to get caught and suffer some consequences. Likely not commensurate, but some.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Apparently, he was already stopped by police earlier, took off, and then this. Piece of garbage. There isn't going to be a punishment fitting enough for this guy.

The family of this lady lost her for absolutely no good reason. Horrible situation all around.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

This freakin city has spent the past four decades catering to the almighty automobile, and this is the completely predictable result. It's openly hostile to people who don't drive - the people running Mississauga couldn't give two shits about pedestrian, transit, or cycling infrastructure since they're not the ones who are ever in danger of being splattered across some idiot's windshield.

I worked near Hurontario and Derry for six years and every day, crossing the street to get to my office was like playing Frogger with jackasses who felt like waiting five seconds for me to cross the street was an intolerable inconvenience. It got to the point where I used to record video while crossing the street in case some fucko decided to run me down, which nearly happened on multiple occasions. I complained to the city several times and asked if they could put a crosswalk and pedestrian signal there, and all they did was send someone out there at the least-busy time for two hours to "observe" the traffic patterns and come back to tell me there wasn't enough traffic to justify a signal or even a painted crosswalk, but they DID say they'd put up an extra stop sign. Gee thanks, my tax dollars are sure hard at work there.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

You are completely right. And it is not limited to crosswalks, either. When you look along the Yonge corridor there are areas with massive amounts of foot traffic relative to the width of their sidewalk, no bicycle lanes, and yet find a ton of space for (mostly unused) on-street parking and car lanes. It's a shitshow for the people living there, often immigrants who can't vote, all for the convenience of the suburbanites driving through.