Ahh another group that needs to read more, maybe a dictionary, they can start by looking up the word freedom they like to use so much.
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Yes, indeed. They pervert the very idea of freedom. Also, notice how these people move the goalposts? At one point, their lame excuse was that it was about the schools, blah blah blah.
Aaron Wood, a Douglas County father of two...
As if that really matters, but maybe this guy should worry about his own kids and leave others the hell alone.
Did it ever turn out that the good guys are the ones banning books?
Also, I think I read somewhere that some super-sensitive and butthurt Republicans are so worked up that they are seeking to disassociate their local libraries from ALA and/or defund/dismantle them entirely?
Talk about burning down the village to "save" it. These people are fucking insane, and not one of them should be allowed into office, on any level, anywhere.