While I've only had a few dreams repeated (at most three times I think), for a long time, I had a recurring theme. I was chased by someone or something, either in my school, through the city or just some random location I didn't actually know irl. Often these three would just kinda mix and lead to one another.
But it was really rare for such a dream to be a nightmare, instead I kinda had fun running away because I could just jump off some balcony and softly glide down while my pursuer had to take the stairs or some other long way.
Although I knew for sure that I'd die if I ever got caught, I was often in a giggly mood and not even running anywhere near my maximum speed.
I haven't had one of these in a few years and it actually took me a bit to notice, so I wonder if/how they were related to something about my school life or something else.