I have a feeling this time might be the charm.
Blethering Skite
Scots language ,history ,culture ,folklore ,myths,legends and Scottish Independence.
An talkin aboot near enough anyhin thits gaun doon aroon Scotland in Scots.
Scots is a Wast Germanic leid o tha Anglic varietie that's spaken aw ower Scotland an en tha stewartrie o Ulster en Ireland .
Bi tha lat 15t yeirhunder tha sicht fowk haed o tha differs wi tha leid spaken faurder sooth cam til tha fore an Scots-spikkin Scots begoud tae crie thair leid "Scots"
Mind: It's nice tae be nice ,humour preferred ,swerin is optional .
#Scots language ,humour ,history and foklore.
Rememmer ,stick tae the code : []https://mastodon.world/about
I am told you huv tae be psychic tae see the beastie as it lives in anorrer dimension fur maist eh the year ,doon near Ecclefechan !
That's quite the effort for a newspaper prank made up in the 1930s.
Ay but the beastie brings in the tourists unlike the Hairy Wild Haggis thit infest wir cauld dreich moors an threaten the peaceful habitat of the noo endangered Unicorn wey ther racket ,the noisy wee feckers thit they ur ..Ay
A confirmed hoax too. But even if it weren't a hoax, wouldn't it be dead by now!?
Still, it's a fun myth and a good excuse to either bring in tourism or to scientifically explore the marine ecosystem of the largest body of water in the UK. The recent 2019 DNA search was just that, a university-lead sophisticated study of ecological biodiversity, facaded with a news and funding grabbing "search for the monster" story.