Tldr: companies don't give a rats ass about you or your thoughts because people keep giving them money.
Rule 0: Be civil
Rule #1: No spam, porn, or facilitating piracy
Rule #2: No advertisements
Rule #3: No memes, PCMR language, or low-effort posts/comments
Rule #4: No tech support or game help questions
Rule #5: No questions about building/buying computers, hardware, peripherals, furniture, etc.
Rule #6: No game suggestions, friend requests, surveys, or begging.
Rule #7: No Let's Plays, streams, highlight reels/montages, random videos or shorts
Rule #8: No off-topic posts/comments
Rule #9: Use the original source, no editorialized titles, no duplicates
It's just ow1 with way more micro transactions. If they have more players, it's because it's free.
“Core players“ stating the game is in “its best state” reminds me of failing restaurant owners listening to the positive feedback from the customers who remain and ignoring the fact that most negative “reviewers” vote with their feet and wallets, not with their voices.