Beautiful neovim, whats the terminal program on the down right?
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Finally someone asked about that!
That's an alias I made (with some help from the Arch Wiki) that lets me search the AUR for a package using fzf and then install it.
alias get="paru -Slq | fzf --preview 'paru -Si {}' --layout=reverse --bind 'enter:execute(paru -S {})+accept'"
(replace paru with your AUR helper of choice if different, requires fzf)
Also, my neovim config is available in the link!
I love how you basically made a TUI by combining existing tools. Doing something useful without reinventing the wheel.
Uff, it looks fucking awesome
Thanks for that one, seems incredibly useful for such a small thing.
looks awesome. perfect color choosing
thank you!
Absolutely gorgeous.
I love the colour!