Try unchecking "Show read posts" in Settings?
Lemmy Plugins and Userscripts
A general repository for user scripts and plugins used to enhance the Lemmy browsing experience.
Post (or cross-post) your favorite Lemmy enhancements here!
General posting suggestions:
- Preface the submission with the type of enhancement - ex: [UserScript].
- Include a screenshot of the enhancement in use (where possible)
- Indicate the requirements for use (eg, greasemonkey, stylus, etc.)
That only hides the post after you refuse the page
Refuse the page?
no feedback on this? Still struggling to find an answer
this would almost certainly require an extension, since you'd need some sort of persistent way to track "viewed" items. I don't think a userscript can do it.
Best bet will probably be Instance Assistant ([email protected] ), at some point in the future. Could always make a request directly, too since this would likely be a relatively popular feature.
certainly require an extension
Technically correct, but you already have that extension installed if you're able to run userscripts.
The script just requires // @grant GM_setValue
and // @grant GM_getValue
and you can use those functions to store whatever, forever (or until you clear extension data).