Ive updated the code and documentation at https://github.com/PossibleEmuWrangler/AnarchyChess-DreamyDesktopPrototype after being able to successfully download the dreamchess source to a raspberry pi400, apply the AnarchyChess-DreamyDesktop code as a "patch" to dreamchess and then compile and run it using the package management program dpkg. Version 0.8.6
Ive updated the AnarchyChessReadme of that repository with command line instructions i used to build it on the Raspberry Pi.
That now brings the Prototype repository to a close. Im not likely to respond to any issues raised there.
I am midway through uploading the changes made to a real fork from dreamchess and made a branch and was about to merge the branch with uploads until i saw that upstream had made changes supporting UTF code which i was about to undo.
I'll spend some time rolling in code changes to a new branch and make another post here when AnarchyChess-DreamyDesktop v0.8.7 is available on the new repository. v0.8.7 is the same codebase as v0.8.6 aside from code reflecting changes in version numbers.
A slight spanner got thrown in the works with the open game im running on AnarchChess as a Bishop came back from a vacation and i had to code up a new starting position to the board.
I might focus on creating documentation next on how to incorporate more moves in PGN and their effects/outcomes/PGN notation so that different pieces might still be interoperable. It would be interesting to get dreamer working so that it could move a knook. but thats a long way off yet.