Just stab the cake with an actual broad head.
Arrows aren’t so expensive you can’t use them as a gag.
Just stab the cake with an actual broad head.
Arrows aren’t so expensive you can’t use them as a gag.
This freeze hurt private companies.
And everyone knows that companies are a higher class citizen than people, so the court defended the companies.
Ah yes, the company that routinely blows up rockets to test them, and that took several minutes to realize their first starship blew up wants to be in charge of airline safety.
I’d rather they pull a random 12 year old from school and give them the job of running the fucking place. At least the 12 year old doesn’t have a track record of fucking up 50% of the time.
What people who want to gut the postal service don’t understand is that it’s a fucking service.
The USPS does last mile delivery for all courier agencies. FedEx and UPS won’t pay a driver to deliver your dildo out to your cabin in bumfuck Nebraska, but the USPS will, along with your tax documents, bank statements, and anything else you need.
If you get rid of USPS, you’re cutting anyone who isn’t in a major city off from not only packages, but critical documents.
I like it.
I also liked new Coke, so maybe I’m just a fiend for synthetics
I only use synthetic when I change oil in our cars.
Lasts longer than the old school stuff, has better additives to keep engines running longer, idk why you would stick with natural oils unless your engine is quite old.
Less oil changes also means cheaper maintenance overall and less impact on the environment from used oil.
No no no.
First you make a meeting to discuss the need for a taskforce.
Then a meeting to discuss the potential budget of the task force.
Then a meeting to select the members of the task force.
And so on until you don’t even need the task force anymore.
Problem solved.
Yeah, note instead of Russia being a communist authoritarian hellscape, it’s a capitalist authoritarian hellscape.
Very different
Troops in Vietnam had ice cream and cold Coca Cola.
There are mobile Burger Kings that can be loaded into military supply transports.
That’s just food.
You have no idea the capabilities of US logistics. Why do you think we have military bases on 6 continents and half the countries in the fucking world. It’s not just for fucking fun. The whole point is that the US can have a fully supplied fighting force anywhere in the world within a couple days.
Go lick fascist boots somewhere else. I still stand by the idea that democracy should be defended.
Well Bezos probably has like 20 toilets in each of his mansions, so he’s just skewing the averages.
How are you protecting them from insects, potential rodents, or water damage?
If the economy gets so bad that you need to dip into the basement rice, you very likely might not be able to get your sump pump fixed or keep out pests as well.
I have a week of emergency food, but it’s stuff my family will actually like to eat and is fairly nutritious. Beans and rice will only get you so far. And my emergency stash is in waterproof storage containers on a shelf. I just advise you to actually look into shelf stable foods you’ll enjoy eating and look into proper storage practices for food.
Okay boomer