Nicou-CIG also mentioned that they're working on better in-game notifications for maintenance:
Question from Darklay
No CIG, this is not good, you work badly. If you have problems with the servers, that's fine and you'll fix them, but if you close the servers for maintenance or work on them or whatever you like, you have to notify ingame at least half an hour before, so that one has the opportunity to return to the station and store the ship and not lose hours of RMC farming, now throw it away.
All the games I know of before ordinary or extraordinary server maintenance warn with an ingame message...
Response by Nicou-CIG:
We're working on an improved in-game notification system to better alert you about events, like an upcoming maintenance.
Developing and implementing features takes time, but this is on our radar. The same goes for Spectrum, where we aim to enhance clarity as well