this post was submitted on 01 Mar 2025
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A place to express your frustration

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Venting is a place where Lemmy users can rant/vent about anything that is on their mind. If you are annoyed or very pissed off about something, you can talk about it here and our community will listen.

founded 2 years ago

Trigger warning for everything I guess, idk, just ranting and screaming into the void here, read at your own discretion.

spoilerActual unpopular opinion here (and very rambly/incoherent, be warned) but: I'm so, so, SO fucking exhausted and utterly SICK of being forced to bottle myself up, to rot and suffer forever, to be stuck in a rut against my own will - to be condemned to never, EVER have anyone in my life in ANY shape or form but for abusive, manipulative, narcissistic pieces of shit. All anyone or society has to say to me - if they even bother in the first place - is "save yourself" "go outside" "keep to yourself" "seek therapy" and that's it, that's ALL I get, then get told to fuck off if I don't take that as gospel.

Not even gonna bother to comprehend that some of us AREN'T stupidly lucky, rich, have loving parents, any actual friends, and can afford anything we want at will? That some of us live in the global south with VERY little options or things to do? (Not mentioning the whole "no democracy, no rights, no freedoms" thing that most of the world still shares in common-) That there's less and less to do outside anymore in the first place? Everything costs money and is only getting more expensive? That mental health professionals are not a magical fix for literally fucking everything and everyone - not even mentioning that most of them Do. Not. Give. A. Fuck. About you other then taking your money? Not gonna bring up how inefficient and backwards mental health care is in general? Not even gonna bother to acknowledge all my experiences with all of this shit and how utterly useless it all is? No? I'm insane for even questioning that? Okay then, guess I'll die alone and be blamed for it.

The only reason shit like the right to die isn't cared about is because we want more labour and people to exploit, we would rather inflict infinite suffering upon others to gain more for ourselves then bother with ANY semblance of care or mercy to those that genuinely do NOT want to be here and NEVER asked to be born. Fuck. All. Of. You.

Even acts of "kindness" and "tolerance" are temporary and done only to look good in the public and slowly regain control over people, look at the complete 180 turn going on right now against queer people, who I sadly happen to be apart of. Not the first time this has happened, every goddamn time throughout history ANY progress is made for JUST a brief moment in history, humans being humans lose their shit and push us back 500 steps backwards for years and years on end, we're stuck in an infinite loop of our own making, and refuse to change, instead blaming others and throwing "you must change" "you can't control others" "save yourself" while those same people do whatever the fuck they want at your expense, and don't you DARE question it or else. So that's fun, we'll never change, this is how it's always gonna be until the end of time...

"Get help" = I don't give a fuck and am saying that to look good, be rich or die/end up in an insane asylum loser lol.

"Save yourself" = I don't give a fuck about whatevers stopping you from actual doing anything and want you to go away, you make me feel slightly bad.

"Nobody owes anyone anything" = the only vaguely truthful quote people toss around, but also perfectly describes everything I hate with humans: we don't owe each other anything, including basic necessities, peace, stability, compassion, support, dignity, to live without fear of constant violence and discrimination for not perfectly conforming to what others want out of you, etc etc. unless you have something to give that they want and for however long they want it, then fuck you, die lol. Oh and we'll blame you for it too, all your fault buddy, should've pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and been more to our liking and or rich, your stuck in a self limiting loop bro, nobody will save you :)

"Go outside" = I'm privileged, live in a bearable society, am fortunate to have stuff around me other then exclusively work and basic necessities and literally nothing else, and assume everyone has the same privileges and will NOT comprehend anything else.

"Seek professionals" = go to people who just want your money and may or may not even help, or even make things worse, but we don't care, shut up you asshole - how DARE you criticise therapy as not being a magic fix for everything??? We're giving you HONEST, TRUTHFUL advice and you DARE flame us for copy and pasting the same bullshit over and over again on anyone dealing with anything??? Go away loser, die, be stuck forever chasing after self help scams, medication to "fix" you, and ungodly expensive therapy for the rest of your miserable existence lol.

"Be yourself" = presenting how you wanna present to a certain degree (but also not really but we're not gonna say that out loud lol-), so long as it's trendy and cool to do so as well, but if tomorrow we suddenly change our minds then fuck you, you don't deserve to exist anymore, die lol.

"Never rely on others" = oh what's that? You've had an abusive childhood, never had any friends, any love, any support, anything at all and are starving for anything at this point? Your completely and utterly lost because of how much society has bashed you into the ground and need an anchor to heal and build yourself back up? NO, SUFFER FOREVER, EW - HOW DARE YOU NOT BE A MODEL CITIZEN NPC??? HOW DARE YOU THINK FOR 1 SECOND??? HOW DARE YOU WANT OTHERS TO GIVE A FLYING FUCK??? NOBODY OWES YOU ANYTHING, HUMANS ARE TERRIBLE AND AWFUL - STRANGER DANGER - KEEP TO YOURSELF - SAVE YOURSELF - DO LITERALLY EVERYTHING BY YOURSELF (somehow?) (galore) - except when it's convenient, on media, and makes us look good then we'll suddenly pretend we're all family and ignore any and all mentions of our hypocrisy and make you look deranged to others instead and rally them against you lol :)

So on, so forth, it never ends, don't even get me started (toxic/fake positivity, fake empathy/sympathy, following trends and norms no matter how unhealthy it is for all of us long term, how little of a fuck we give about how normal and common abuse and neglect is, politics and religion as a whole, most cultures and mindsets in general, ageism, sexism, gender, capitalism, our hatred for honesty, difference, expression, vulnerability, minorites, losers, etc. unless it's convient or beneficial for us to think otherwise, how moronic and fucking evil we are, how greedy, how selfish and inconsiderate, how bloodthirsty we are, how hypocritical and double sided we are, how much we just can't get enough of suffering and agony and will NEVER stop fucking ourselves over and over again and blame it all on each other just because, etc etc. just - fucking everything man, it LITERALLY. NEVER. ENDS. It's an infinite list-), everyone's a fucking hypocrite, nobody cares, everybody's just out for themselves and to feel good, and thinking for just a split second is enough to get you forever outcasted from all of society, forever. Ignorance is bliss. Literally. Anything else = endless suffering.

No creature on earth is as cruel as man. Unless your stupidly lucky, an NPC that can walk through life without a thought, or are rich enough to ignore all of society or influence it directly: there's nothing good about us, we're worse then ANY other animal out there. I wish I was born a bird man, this is hell...

Anyways, alien rant over, I know I'll get dogpiled into oblivion for venting all of this out there, I know how people are so, whatever, back to my daily rotting and unable to do fuck all else but despair, shut up, and suffer until I go insane and burst. No hope. No future. Nothing. Forever. I love life.

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[โ€“] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Revolution is inevitable.

[โ€“] Laereht 0 points 1 day ago

I know it might not mean like much from an Internet stranger but I'm sorry that you are dealing with all of that. There's so much that you've mentioned that I personally haven't had to deal with and couldn't imagine having to go through while our world burns on top of all of it. I'm sorry that our world is not functional. It was humans that broke it, continued to break it, and profit off our anguish.

It is a world that should be devoid of goodness. Most of us are trapped in varying degrees of fascist hell in our own little cages. Modernity has borne an era where our children won't be better off than we are, if we should even have them in the first place. I couldn't imagine bringing another soul into this world. It feels like throwing more kindling into the fire, but that's my perspective.

The only thing I can recommend might seem ridiculous, but has been working for me so far the past few years. I decided to take a year to focus on positivity. To find out what it is and how to maintain it with all this suffering around us. And to ultimately figure out how to channel it when things feel impossible. That was in 2023. 2024 I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. This year, a plot full of evil and stupidity and greed is being enacted upon our world thanks to neoliberal machinations that have been in the works longer than my 30 something years on this planet.

I'm not saying it's a cure all. Not trying to sell anything. I just know if I hadn't sought real, genuine positivity that I don't know if I would have had the strength to manage everything that has transpired.

And I'm not asking anyone to pretend. Genuine positivity, as far as I've come to understand it, is about truth/being truthful with one's self. It's not about lying about what is going on in our lives, but rather trying to seek out the silver linings in our lives. Trying to find ways to improve so that you can share what you can with others that need help. And reaching out is part of it.

Humans are a cause of our own suffering. But I believe that we can be the undoing of that suffering if we work together. That's the only way any progress happens in our lives and our world.

I hope any of this helps.