
joined 2 years ago
[–] Laereht 18 points 21 hours ago

The American public are the kids

[–] Laereht 9 points 22 hours ago

It depends on if the Uvalde cops were being paid NOT to go into the school

[–] Laereht 4 points 22 hours ago

They say it's project 2025 but I contend it's project 1984. All truth is a mutable plaything to these ghouls

[–] Laereht 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Evil. Disgusting. Heartless. Welcome to the new u.s. where getting something as simple as eggs is becoming a symbol of wealth.

[–] Laereht 19 points 1 week ago

As someone from there I agree. This excuse for a female human is an example of the corrupt darkness that comprises this government.

[–] Laereht 11 points 1 week ago

This line of thinking has preserved whatever is left of my optimism. Let us hope my fellow Americans continue to function predictably.

[–] Laereht 27 points 1 week ago

The term for this is collusion

[–] Laereht 0 points 1 week ago

I know it might not mean like much from an Internet stranger but I'm sorry that you are dealing with all of that. There's so much that you've mentioned that I personally haven't had to deal with and couldn't imagine having to go through while our world burns on top of all of it. I'm sorry that our world is not functional. It was humans that broke it, continued to break it, and profit off our anguish.

It is a world that should be devoid of goodness. Most of us are trapped in varying degrees of fascist hell in our own little cages. Modernity has borne an era where our children won't be better off than we are, if we should even have them in the first place. I couldn't imagine bringing another soul into this world. It feels like throwing more kindling into the fire, but that's my perspective.

The only thing I can recommend might seem ridiculous, but has been working for me so far the past few years. I decided to take a year to focus on positivity. To find out what it is and how to maintain it with all this suffering around us. And to ultimately figure out how to channel it when things feel impossible. That was in 2023. 2024 I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. This year, a plot full of evil and stupidity and greed is being enacted upon our world thanks to neoliberal machinations that have been in the works longer than my 30 something years on this planet.

I'm not saying it's a cure all. Not trying to sell anything. I just know if I hadn't sought real, genuine positivity that I don't know if I would have had the strength to manage everything that has transpired.

And I'm not asking anyone to pretend. Genuine positivity, as far as I've come to understand it, is about truth/being truthful with one's self. It's not about lying about what is going on in our lives, but rather trying to seek out the silver linings in our lives. Trying to find ways to improve so that you can share what you can with others that need help. And reaching out is part of it.

Humans are a cause of our own suffering. But I believe that we can be the undoing of that suffering if we work together. That's the only way any progress happens in our lives and our world.

I hope any of this helps.

[–] Laereht 8 points 2 weeks ago

I guess it shows what I believe: that eventually humanity will tire of punching ourselves if we don't cause our own extinction first.

[–] Laereht 65 points 2 weeks ago

This dude is on the right side of history. I'm hoping he can get out from whatever hole they're trying to lock him in.

[–] Laereht 87 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

So the Republicans can act like an opposition party but they can't? Have they had their heads buried since the beginning of Obama's term? Or is this their snide way of confirming complicity?

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