These fonts have always been an affront to god. Same as the ones that use cyrilic letters.
Japanese Language
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Remember that you can add furigana to your posts by writing ~{KANJI|FURIGANA}~ like:
~{漢字|かんじ}~ which comes out as:
For anyone who wants it in text:
ロチ てロチチモモ
Tꝏk me awhile till realising that's sposed to say "soul of coffee"
This is an infohazard.
I don't know a lick of japanese. I assume you translated the symbols they abused for english letters?
They're kana characters which represent syllables. So ら is "ra" when romanized, ロ is "ro" and so on.
Actually took me quite a while to figure out it's supposed to say "Soul of coffee", but it's probably easier to read the less you know about Japanese characters.
I never would've figured it out if you didn't tell me
Yeah as someone who just started reading Japanese, reading "soul of coffee" was easy. But I don't even know all of these characters yet, I'm most of the way through hiragana, but haven't started any other character sets
Took me far too long to realize what it's supposed to say.
You just fried my brain and I think now I need a hard reset.
asians 🤝 nordics
stop using our writing willy nilly because it looks cool, it's physically painful to read it
It's all Grssk to me.
Ok, but what is it actually? I'm assuming by the cup that it's some kind of coffee drink.
Seems like a safe bet
I don't know enough about coffee to know what espresso on top of cream would be. I just assume it's some kind of iced latte
Silly name but it looks really good
It absolutely does, it looks tasty as fuck 😅