Because they aren't "conservatives", that's just a label they slap onto themselves and their changes are more radical than those they label "liberals". What they really are is what you've said, voters more susceptible to believing lies, the psychotypes that have been identified through social network big data profiling that are particularly susceptible or within a network susceptible to manipulation. That's also why a lot of these social network are pretty shameless about how they want to stimulate fake AI users. It is the cattle-lification of social network for those with the wealth and the power to do it, to such an extent that terms like 1984's "doublethink" apply quite aptly well beyond the theoretical.
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Wait so we are going back to thinking it's feigned ignorance?
At this point if time I was sure it's maliciousness and they know exactly lies it involves as long as it suits their white America.
Considering it straight up malice is also excessively reductive, because while assuming it is a good way to predict their actions it's not quite what's going on. They have certain (bigoted, obviously; I'm not trying to whitewash conservatism) axioms in their brains and their beliefs will freely change to suit those axioms.
Because they're lizard-brained