Probably swamp gas ⛽️ from the Everglades and wind shear that combines with the ionizing plasma of the lightning to create a halo effect of a weather balloon.
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More like TokinBoomer with that response. Love it.
You won. You’re the first person to get it. Congrats 🎉
Honestly, it seems to occur at the same time the car is going by, at about the same speed across the screen (specifically when the headlights enter and leave frame), but in the opposite direction. It looks kind of like it might just be the headlights causing a glare in the camera lens (etc) or some other reflection - something to that effect. You can really see it when it's slowed down.
This is an excellent point.
For this to be the case the person filming had to have noticed it on the screen while filming, which is entirely possible.
That or dubbed audio over the recording later, etc.
They do gesture in the area where it appeared.
I think you could be correct here but I'm not an expert on cameras and how that effects could occur. The timing certainly lines up, though.
From the article, a statement from the person filming: "He added: "It was much bigger with my own eyes. The camera shows a light ball but in person it looked much bigger."
He also states he stopped filming to see if he got it. He would not need to do that if he saw it on the screen and not in the sky, maybe.
So, back to "huh". :)
Yeah, I was thinking he must have been looking at what he was filming on the screen when it happened. But if that's not the case, then my only other guess would be some kind of ball lightning phenomenon or meteor (weird angle though). Or 🛸.
Yeah, could be just about anything. I think that is why we need Project Galileo. A system set up nearby could have picked that up on a number of different sensors.
That's an interesting theory, and I appreciate you bringing it up. The only challenge I see with that is that the other cars passing by didn't cause a similar glare. It doesn't look like a glare to me, but then again, I'm not an expert in this field, so it could very well be a glare.
other cars passing by didn’t cause a similar glare.
Car headlights are quite individual from model to model, from coverage profiles to differences like if they're using reflector or projector tech. I agree with the principle of your argument, but I think it would only work if the cars before and after were of the exact make, model and year.
That is true. My gut tells me it's not a glare, however, I'll reserve final judgement until an expert can weigh in.
I agree. I did a quick speed comparison, seems to be a reasonable conclusion.
Where in FL? Lots of military bases including Naval Air, USAF, and Space Force.
Yeah, we saw some fun UFOs down by Vandenberg at the beach. No idea what they were, but as high schoolers it was fun to speculate. Probably missile tests.
That's a valid point. The article mentions Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I would be interested to see if anyone could determine the object's speed based on the frames.
Yeah a friend and I saw a 3 light ufo 30 years ago, definitely beyond aircraft abilities at the time, right next to Keesler AFB.
That's interesting, thank you for sharing. Based on technological advancements since those 30 years, do you think anything today could replicate what you saw?
Not sure, it was very very fast. Went from right above us to over the horizon in less than a second.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I'm assuming no noise?
That’s awesome. Seems genuine.
I'm curious to know your thoughts on this. In my opinion, it seems too far away to be an insect, and it appears to be visibly white.
My quick and dirty speed/trajectory analysis leads me to believe it could be an reflection from the car headlight, the movement is within what I'd expect from such a situation - But with high speed and "low" recording framerates it's difficult to say for sure.