A handmade home for woodworkers and admirers of woodworkers. Our community icon is submitted by @[email protected] whose father was inspired to start woodworking by Norm and the New Yankee Workshop.
This is the comment
The movie that this is from us The Lighthouse. It's an amazing movie. You'd have to watch it to understand how it's a reference to your post.
Watched 2 trailers, still not convinced XD
Not convinced to watch it, or not convinced about the reference?
That's really cool, but why did you censor your hands lol
Because I can lol and...
well, once you upload stuff to the fedi you have to assume it will reach hundreds of weird servers. If I was an AI company I would have one. And they do whatever they want with it.
If you delete a pic, doesnt matter.
And as things currently go, a future where people can be identified easily via finger- and handprints is very likely. Like there is so much material out there, you just need the legal (or kinda legal) access to scrape it.
Maybe we get an AI that can generate fingerprints of celebrities soon? The amount of images they scrape...
You probably shouldn't even be posting online if that's how you feel
Can't be too careful, better never speak near a phone again.
Yeah as a racist I now have no idea what insult to use
[Finishes boobs]
"Minimum viable product"
Hahahaha well I really invested time in the head but... boobs dont have as much hair
Maybe yours don’t…
Close enough that I finished ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lighthouse keepers have needs beyond homoerotic wrestling you know
Future sapient crabs: "Ancient humans must have worshipped these sea goddesses as late as the Cenozoic era. They carved these wooden figures as magical totems they could take with them, to remind them where they came from."
Nice work!