We get Lilliana the Bard's origin story
I do have to believe that
The Archbishop of Wrath, later, if not sooner.
No body, no death, after all.
I have to say that naming the Archbishops after stars is pretty cool.
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We get Lilliana the Bard's origin story
I do have to believe that
The Archbishop of Wrath, later, if not sooner.
No body, no death, after all.
I have to say that naming the Archbishops after stars is pretty cool.
Yeah, they are named after stars and Subaru shares his name with a star cluster. That has to mean something…
Priscilla's power lets her sacrifice things she loves to prevent damage to herself, huh? If this extends to beyond just objects, it would explain why she keeps most people she cares about at arm's length. Makes you wonder how many of her 8 husbands died a premature death due to this "gift".