
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 17 hours ago

While it's not a gameplay mod, LORKHAN will freshen up your Skyrim experience all the same. It's a complete soundtrack replacement mod created by the legendary young scrolls himself. It's a stark departure from the original Skyrim's soundtrack while still fitting in perfectly with the game.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

My brain is still very much filled with Elden Ring DLC and Gauss is not a frame I touched much so I have little to add this week. Thermal Sunder is an awesome subsume that gives plenty of other frames the means to do damage where they had none before, I honestly used it more on other frames than Gauss himself.


Fastest land-based frame, master of kinetic energy - Gauss!

Release date: 2019-08-29

Passive: Gauss has access to a special battery meter filled up by running that gives him buffs depending on fill rate and affects some of his abilities.
Mach Rush - Burst into a hyper-sprint bowling over enemies and charging the battery. Crashing into solid objects generates a powerful shockwave. Hold to rush continuously.
Kinetic Plating - Generate armor plating that converts a portion of absorbed Kinetic Damage into Energy. Also protects Gauss from being staggered or knocked down. Damage Resistance is relative to the battery level.
Thermal Sunder - Siphon kinetic energy from the area, charging the battery and inflicting Cold Status on nearby enemies. Hold reverses the process, draining the battery and inflicting Heat Status on nearby enemies.
Redline - Push Gauss' battery beyond the redline, supercharging his Abilities and setting Fire Rate, Attack Speed, Reload Speed, and Holster Rate into overdrive. When past the redline, bolts of arcing electricity dance periodically from Gauss, exploding en masse when the ability is deactivated.

Acquisition: Main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Component blueprints drop from Tier C Disruption on Kappa, Sedna.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Those 11 episodes really went by all too fast, I hope we won't have to wait 7 (5 if we count the movie) years for the next season.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yoshi's ahoge has become so powerful it deserves to be it's own character!

I was kind of sad when I first read about this manga wrapping up shortly but I've come to terms with it. I would rather it ends now when we're on a high point than that it drags out without direction.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Her 4th, I even joked about it in the first paragraph. Cool as it sounds, Sol Gate is absolutely useless, it's an energy hog that does tickles of damage. You're far better off replacing it with something that benefits from what Wisp usually already mods for, power strength and duration.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Wisp is here! Probably the second most popular community frame after Excalibur, because of her considerable assets. Doesn't hurt that she's also the best, most convenient support frame in the game. Pop down your motes and your job is done! More HP and regen, speed buffs and some soft CC! Add to that a free ability slot to Helminth over and you can easily slot in Roar or Pillage to deal with armor (it helps that Wisp is one of the few frames that can go for a full 100% strip with 400% power strength as that's something she already kind of wants to do). The only time you are sad to see a Wisp on your team is if you already have one.


The fan favorite, extra T H I C C, channeling the sheer power of the sun to tickle enemies lightly with it - Wisp!

Release date: 2019-05-22

Passive: Wisp weaves between dimensions whilst she is airborne, gaining a cloak that renders her and her Companions completely invisible to enemies indefinitely until she lands or fires a weapon.
Reservoirs - Choose and summon a Reservoir filled with Motes that attach to and aid Wisp and her allies. Haste Mote grants increased movement and attack speed. Vitality Mote increases maximum health and heals over time. Shock Mote stuns nearby enemies.
Wil-O-Wisp - Cast forward a spectral image of Wisp to confuse and distract enemies. Reactivate to travel to its position. Hold to have the image travel faster and teleport to its position on release.
Breach Surge - Open a dimensional breach to overwhelm nearby enemies and cause them to release aggressive Surge sparks when damaged. Wisp may also target a Reservoir to teleport to it and double the range of the surge.
Sol Gate - Open a portal to the sun to irradiate enemies with a devastating beam of pure solar plasma.

Acquisition: Main and components blueprints are acquired from defeating the Ropalolyst on The Ropalolyst, Jupiter.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Good thing Azuma has her feeling (somewhat) figured out, I'm afraid with how low Taira's self esteem is there is absolutely no way he will figure out what's going on. It's gonna be up to her to be direct and make the first move.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Thank you for all your work keeping this instance running, I'm glad to have been a part of it for 7 months now (time really flies, huh)!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Hildryn is not a frame I have much experience with. Her style of tanking was never my thing, I prefer to stack damage reductions instead or ignore damage altogether through abilities like Rhino or Revenant. I've gotten a lot of use out of her Pillage on other frames, though! She does make the absolute best use of it thanks to having access to Haven enabling her to use the Blazing Pillage augment to stack infinite heat procs on anything while also completely stripping it's defenses.


The shield maiden, 2nd best Railjack pilot, Atlas' gym partner - Hildryn!

Release date: 2019-03-08

Passive: Utilizes shields instead of energy. Improved shield gating duration and immunity to health damage while Overshields active.
Balefire - Charge and launch devastating bolts of fire.
Pillage - Pillage a percentage of Shields and Armor of nearby enemies to replenish Hildryn's own Shields and Overshields.
Haven - Create a shield aura around allies. Enemies that approach shielded allies will take damage.
Aegis Storm - Take the skies and rain Balefire rockets down on the enemy. Nearby enemies are blasted into the air where they will create an Energy Orb every few seconds. When shields run out the enemies are smashed into the ground.

Acquisition: Main blueprint can be purchased from Little Duck upon reaching Rank 2 - Agent with Vox Solaris. Component blueprints can be acquired from Exploiter Orb.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Guy is mad that Larian decided to add the pre-order items (literally some cosmetic items that reference their previous game, soundtrack, some art and DnD style character sheets for the Origins) as an optional bundle for people to buy if they missed out and want them. But "day 1 DLC bad" so it doesn't matter how inoffensive this thing is, hate must flow, game shit, 0/10.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

I love that the modding system in Warframe allows you to hyper-focus on optimizing for one specific thing like that. Corrupted Mods are still the best designed mods in Warframe, sacrificing one stat to greatly boost another is a great design, especially when you can turn a downside into an upside like with Baruuk! I just wish weapon modding was even a quarter as flexible and involved as frame modding is.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

He's insanely strong, one of the best DPS frames in the game period. And he's likely to only get stronger with the enemy resistance changes as his 4 with it's augment does adaptive damage. His only weakness is he is not amazing at lower level content (lower level here means below lvl 100) because you need to use his 1,2 and 3 to build meter to use his 4, and at this enemy level just using a gun or bringing a DPS frame with no build-up required is often better.


The monk, the paci(fying)fist, best Exalted Weapon frame - Baruuk!

Release date: 2018-12-18

Passive: Baruuk's tolerance for violence wanes as his hand is forced by his foes. Restraint is a resource unique to Baruuk that provides up to 50% Damage Reduction when the meter is completely depleted.
Elude - Dodge all incoming projectiles, but only while not attacking. Use again to deactivate this ability.
Lull - A calming wave slows enemies until they fall into a slumber. Enemies woken by damage will be confused and disoriented. Short-term amnesia means all waking enemies forget anything that happened before the lull.
Desolate Hands - Summon a bevy of orbiting daggers to seek out enemy guns, destroying them with a small explosion. Combine with Elude to double the range.
Serene Storm - With his Restraint eroded, Baruuk commands the Desert Wind to deliver powerful radial strikes with his fists and feet. Each moment commanding the storm restores his Restraint.

Acquisition: Blueprints can be purchased from Little Duck of Vox Solaris. The main blueprint requires players to be at Rank 2 - Agent, while component blueprints require Rank 3 - Hand.


The gore queen, infinite energy frame, slash procs galore - Garuda!

Release date: 2018-11-08

Passive: Garuda gains up to 100% additional damage bonus for her abilities and weapons for each kill or assisted kill.
Dread Mirror - Rip the life force from an enemy and use it as a shield that captures damage. Charge to channel the captured damage into an explosive projectile.
Blood Altar - Impale an enemy on an altar of talons and siphon health for Garuda and her allies.
Bloodletting - Garuda sacrifices her health to generate energy.
Seeking Talons - Charge to expand the targeting area, release to send Garuda’s talons careening toward each target in area. Surviving enemies are prone to bleeding.

Acquisition: Main blueprint is awarded upon completion of the Vox Solaris quest. Component blueprints are acquired from Orb Vallis Bounties.


The eidolon vampire, better mind control frame than Nyx, what Caliban wished he was - Revenant!

Release date: 2018-08-24

Passive: When Revenant's Shield is fully depleted, he emits a radial pulse over 7.5 meters inflicting 100 Blast damage with maximum 75% Damage Falloff.
Enthrall - Convert a target into a zealous thrall. Thralls turn on their allies and enthrall through damage. On death, they disintegrate into a damaging pillar of energy. The thrall horde remains under Revenant’s spell until this Ability runs out.
Mesmer Skin - Become enveloped in Sentient energy, which redirects damage and stuns all those who dare attack. Stunned enemies can be Enthralled at no energy cost.
Reave - Dash through enemies as a wall of Sentient energy, leeching shields and health from any encountered, enhanced for thralls.
Danse Macabre - Erupt with a multitude of Eidolon energy beams and sweep a circle of death around Revenant. The beams will modify their Damage Type to target select defenses, while incoming damage is redirected back into the beams. Hold fire to boost Status Effects and Damage, at the cost of increased energy consumption. Thralls killed by this leave overshield pickups.

Acquisition: Main blueprint is awarded upon completion of the Mask of the Revenant quest, which is unlocked after reaching Rank 2 - Observer with The Quills. Component blueprints are acquired from Plains of Eidolon Bounties.


So I always check the frame's themes before writing this bit and apparently one of hers is arachnid... Not what I would've given her, but it's what we will go with. The chain spider mistress herself - Khora!

Release date: 2018-04-20

Passive: While Venari is alive, Khora passively gains a 15% movement speed boost. If Venari is killed, she will respawn beside Khora after 45 seconds, or instantly if summoned via the third ability for an energy cost.
Whipclaw - Send enemies reeling with a deafening whipcrack.
Ensnare - Bind a hapless target in living metal, entangling others who stray too close. Whipclaw will refresh the trap allowing it to capture more enemies.
Venari - Command Venari to focus on a target. Hold to cycle between Attack, Protect, and Heal postures. If Venari is killed, use this ability to revive her instantly.
Strangledome - Weave a dome of living chain that ensnares and strangles any enemy within, and any foolish enough to approach. Foes outside the trap will try to hasten their comrade's deaths by shooting them. Crack Whipclaw on the dome to further damage any trapped enemies.

Acquisition: Main and component blueprints are acquired from standard Sanctuary Onslaught.


The Glass Warrior, Sentient Slayer, walking AoE - Gara!

Release date: 2017-10-12

Passive: When casting an ability, Gara's glass body has 15% chance to Blind enemies within 12 meters for 10 seconds, exposing them to Melee Finisher attacks. Blind chance increases by 20% until the blind triggers.
Shattered Lash - Lash out with stream of shattered glass, or hold for an arcing strike.
Splinter Storm - Gara's armor splinters into a maelstrom of shattered glass that slices enemies and impairs their weapons. Allies who contact the cloud are fortified against damage.
Spectrorage - Trap enemies in a carousel of mirrors, forcing them to attack visions of their true selves. Destroyed mirrors damage their attackers, as does the collapse of the carousel.
Mass Vitrify - Create an expanding ring of molten glass that slowly crystallizes enemies who enter. When the expansion is complete, the ring hardens to block weapons fire. The ring draws extra strength from the health and shields of crystallized enemies. Use Shattered Lash to smash the ring and send razor-sharp glass flying outward.

Acquisition: Main blueprint is awarded upon completion of the Saya's Vigil quest. Component blueprints are acquired from Plains of Eidolon Bounties.

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