this post was submitted on 10 Feb 2025
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I tried apps like Klima and Earth Hero. Earth Hero is especially good but I would like to play with the numbers myself for specific scenarios like snapshots of my emissions, planning my next year, logging my specific air travel, hobbies, etc.

If anyone has a spreadsheet model I would be grateful. Otherwise I can build one. Earth Hero gives a lot of references to their source models.

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[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I don't know any good real time trackers, WWF has a good footprint estimator if you're interested:


Real climate impact is inherently communal/political rather than personal. If you live in a country with bad public transport for instance, the real climate gains will happen from developing that infrastructure, rather than some individual consumers switching to electric cars or shortening their commutes slightly.

That's not to say that personal climate impact should be ignored, but I think it's worth bearing in mind that a lot of the fossil fuel industries lobbying playbook at the moment, revolves on shifting the narrative from political action and industry regulation to personal consumer choices.

Hope I'm not coming across as too preachy, good luck in better understanding your impact and building a better future!

[–] vatlark 3 points 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the link. And yeah the world will fail to control climate change if all levels of humanity don't get on board. As an average person I have little influence at high levels of government and corporations. They seem pretty excited to give up on their 2030 goals, so while I try to drive them to keeping theirs goals, I might as well push harder on my own goals.