May he keep falling every time he does something to fuck up this country.
May he start falling before, instead.
He didn't fall, Hell was actively trying to drag him back home.
There should be physical and mental tests yearly for every federal representative. If driving a car requires such things past retirement age, so should holding a jobs that impacts millions of other people.
Having strokes on live TV, falling down stairs? License to hold office revoked.
How about just kicking geezers out, period? 70 should be a hard cut off imo. If taking evaluations becomes a regular part of your day we just don't have time to support this.
Nobody cares what anybody's grandpa wants, they're too out of touch already. And it doesn't get better as you age.
Yup I'd be fine with that too.
"should be" it's too late.
Womp womp
Stairs are woke! Install ramps!
May he fall like the country he's trying to destroy
Uhhhhhh (oof) uhhhhhhh (ow) uhhhhhh (snap) uhhhhhhh