Amazing how pointless it was to have laws that protected and defined civil and equal rights.
The Lemmy place to discuss the news and experiences of transgender people.
Keep discussions civil.
Arguments against transgender rights will be removed.
No bigotry is allowed - including transphobia, homophobia, speciesism, racism, sexism, classism, ableism, castism, or xenophobia.
Judges can use those laws to justify blocking these executive orders, for example a trans woman was prevented from being transferred to a male prison and to continue receiving medical care contrary to the recent executive order because the lawyers successfully argued it counted as sex-based discrimination which is illegal due to those laws:
The laws are not pointless, even if it can be frustrating how ineffectual they can sometimes be (or how they can even be weaponized against the egalitarian intentions and purposes of those laws).
Cruelty is the point.
Anyone, anything not cis het white Christian men; is taking something from them and therefore must be destroyed