It's such an obscene idea, to carve out huge faces of politicians from the side of a mountain.
this post was submitted on 30 Jan 2025
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The side of a mountain highly important to the natives who lived near it no less
That was the point. “We’re going to deface your heritage, in a way that will always be visible to you.”
Exhibit 1 of infinity.
Colonialism in action.
it genuinely looks like shit
Bleak rabbit hole going from Gutzon Borglum to DC Stephenson to Madge Oberholzer.
Is trumps face going on Rushmore real? Because I was really hoping it was some satire site I glanced at at coffee break, but it wasn’t from the onion, or the hard times, and I worry that it’s true.
Apparently it was just a maga rep trying to introduce it.
Still insane, but for different reasons.