Affect? Probably. Eliminate all together? Not at all. Some companies will care. Some companies won't even notice.
A community to discuss jobs, whether that's regarding to the search, advice on how to negotiate an offer, or just an open forum to vent.
This is not a place intended for you to post job listings.
I think you're probably fine. In my experience (for Toronto and remote Canadian jobs), the only thing that really matters is an email. If they want to call you, they'll schedule it by email and the meeting will be over Google Hangouts or Zoom (or something similar). I've never been called or texted by a prospective employer.
Good luck with the job search!
Yes. Plenty of jobs won’t hire you if you don’t have a car (or a license). If they see they cannot contact you normally, what do you think? Recruiting usually likes to talk on the phone to see if A. You don’t sound/seem like a loon. B. You can be contactable by work during business hours. Also, if there are additional hurdles to contact you and/or verify your resume, they will likely just move onto the next applicant.