I feel like crucible changes are just too late at this point. So many people have quit that matchmaking is terrible because there are not enough people for it to be competent any more. Unless you are an ultrasweat, you will get farmed. Even playlists that used to be reasonably okay (control and banana) have gotten top heavy. Nothing describes the current experience more than a 10 minute wait in matchmaking followed by one team putting up 3.0+ KDs against a team of sub 1.0s. It really likes to put the best players all on the same team.
Crucible is really the majority of my D2 time. I have gilded Iron Lord every time. I haven't played Trials or Comp in years. They have never been fun. At this point, when I see that the twab is about trials or comp, I don't even bother reading it because I have no faith that they can be fixed.