I'm gonna get flack for this, but how tf can you call anime girl pretty or ugly they all look the same but with different hair
Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
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Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
I agree with that!
I mean DR characters are all pretty different.
Besides, Ball Monokuma doesn't appear to be similar anyway.
in animeland it seems that she's ugly...i mean, that hair? yikes!
No, she's beautiful, the hair is like that because the bullies cut her uneven, but she's still cute.
oh, i see...sorry, i just watched the anime. not a connoiseur of games
That's fine, but she's super cute right away, even without knowledge on her backstory
She doesn't look ugly to me
Ikr, she's beautiful
She must have fallen from the ugly tree and hit every ugly branch on the way down: Her eyes are 10x larger than normal and are way too far apart. Does she have double vision like looking through binoculars with the eyepieces too far apart? Her nose is almost non existent. She probably snores something awful. It's no wonder she looks anorexic, she probably can't get more than one kernel of rice in her mouth at a time. I wonder if she could even fit a toothbrush in that rice hole? I kind of doubt she has ever showered. Her hair is so greasy it sticks together. The smell of Her would probably kill. Her ears aren't very visible but I bet they aren't normal either.
Beer goggles wouldn't make her grotesque, disproportionate face pretty. The only woman uglier than her is the one painted by Picasso.
Asian cartoon communities are like a hydra, block one and two more pop up in its place. I need a hero. Herc, kill it for me.