Isn't Christopher Daniels supposed to be retiring?
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This being his retirement match, yep. Wasn't publicly stated but came out a day or two ago.
π€π€Max seems to have certification
As in Caster or HBO?
Must have gotten it from Hollywood Upstairs Wrestling College
π€ It's Toni Timeπ€
π Okadas laziness is top tier, he could have just as easily softened up Ishii a bit more but kicking him in the dick is way quicker
Darn bad guys.
CD got off pretty light if you ask me
What do you think about putting bangers on first rather than last?
Think I like them better going on last, but a good banger is always nice to open with
For the arena I think it's better last to keep fans around, but for TV I think it's better to go first to get them to stay on the show. The again that TV advice may not be that useful in a day of DVR & on demand.
I enjoy them, especially if its a show with multiple matches that could be classed as a 'main event'. Get one at the start, get one at the end.
You just gotta make sure the 2nd match on the card (which is usually considered the 'whatever, who cares' match) isn't important cause if your first match is a banger, the 2nd match gets extra shaft.
Schiavone needs to stop being a hater
You take shivonies name out ya mouth.
He's a miscreant, MJF, Cole, Mariah May, Christian Cage etc. have problems with him
Don't fall for his naive uncle routine, he's a menace
Jesus christ those spiky jackets.
I love them
Shit they're gonna have to do a new theme for Julia cause of the "The House Always Wins" line aren't they..
Harley is corrupted..intriguing.
Will she fight out of it like Willow or succumb to it like chaos incarnate?
CD: "Ya know it's my last match, I should gig, I don't do it often."
Me: "We know Chris, cause you gigged too deep you're drippin' lmao"
Bobby Fish at home making sad Bobby Fish noises over the fact that he has no personality and can't join his friends lol.
Love CD's entrance gear, nice throwback.
Guess Bowens got Daddy Ass in the divorce.