I was expecting a 2D top down dungeon crawling type thing from the title but this looks like some Mortal Shell meets Returnal shit and I am totally down for that. ๐
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Where's the trailer? Your post is just text saying the game is out now? Please add a link if you intended to.
Edit: I found it posted on another community https://youtu.be/PVDkkge1_b8
The link to the alpha goes to a donation page with no mention of the alpha.
Whoops. Sorry about that. Fixed it.
Edit: there's no alpha, very misleading
CRETE alpha access can be obtained by registering for access via their Steam page.
Last night I requested access to the play test, using their steam page. I never received anything.
This is what it looks like for me. We are just on the waiting list now. They will send out access when they are ready to test.