Roll20 is probably the easiest thing to get started with without setup or cost overhead. But, it lacks extensibility and has several annoying bugs. If you just want to quickly set up a game of D&D, I recommend it. I've since moved on to Foundry though.
Tools for tabletop role-playing games.
Software, online services, physical objects - anything that might help DMs and players in their sessions.
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Been playing Pathfinder on Roll20 since it's start in 2012.
Using Roll20 along has been totally free. 🙂
Playing with a bunch of old schoolers who don't have much time to prep it's perfect for us. Usually most battle maps are a hand drawn on the fly and dice rolled manually by the GM. I get that it lacks some features other platforms might have, but for me and my crew it's just the right amount of basic.
It was good for us too, the bugs just started getting in our way too much. And now I'm addicted to modules lmao
Easy to use but not fun in the doing. I find it extraordinarily clunky. It's a stopgap until I buy a Foundry license. I'm thankful that it at least has a somewhat functional Starfinder setup.
I bought a Foundry VTT license this year and never looked back at Roll20. It might be okay for learning the basics of VTT software, but soon afterwards it's not very useful anymore for experienced GMs.
Roll20 is awful compared to Foundry.