Nuremberg Trials 2.0 aren't gonna be kind to this guy, because they'll be accurate.
Sweet Home Alabama
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Not American but doesn't money from California routinely go to 3rd world, mismanaged, bumfuck red states for everything from disasters to public funding? And yet I've never seen the states where the majority of money is telling these people that they're going to withhold funding unless they stop fucking their sisters.
Yes. CA and NY are paying for the welfare of several states.
Lol imagine if California says ok np I'll put the money I was going to put into taxes to fix this.
If the feds don't have enough money to go after the super rich for not paying taxes, there's no way they have the funding to go after an entire state that keeps all the tax money meant for the federal side. 😏
They 100% deserve a blank check for disaster relief... BECAUSE THEY PAY THE MOST TAXES.
Meaning...blindly listen to people who bought their way to power to help them further empower themselves?