a wrestling show with wrestling. a novel concept.
also obligatory i love will ospreay
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a wrestling show with wrestling. a novel concept.
also obligatory i love will ospreay
a wrestling show with wrestling. a novel concept.
Ya know it's crazy but it may work out!
hell yea soken on us tv
πππ Of course Pricochet and Little Shit Yuta would be great friends
Two peas in a turd
Harley + Mariah = Money (and crazy stuff..and other stuff.)
Harley has turned into such a wild character at this point. Easily one of the most fun parts of the show.
wild how she because the best thing to come out of qtv.
And the Outcasts, strangely enough.
harley is millie to mariah's louise belcher in the best way.
Great MJF is here, I'm sure he can give a pep talk to JJ
He tried?
Yeah that was a pretty good deal for Jeff but his pride got in the way
aw tony khan made ian get abused in the ring interviews today instead of tony. :(
i never realised how much mariah sounded like marina diamandis and now i need them to duet homewrecker or anything from electra heart
π€It's Toni Time π€
excuse me mjf the longest reigning and defending aew champion is queen shida put some respect on her name π
He had better!
My brain keeps waiting for a timer to go off and another woman to enter
That's next week
Oh shit! I don't mind Hobbs getting a title shot! I know he ain't going win, but hell yeah man!
Being a Hobbs fan is pain, but its a fun ride either way!
Ricochet getting ping pongged
NO! Keep Don away
Ospreay back in his best Auditore fit.
Ok that was a great looking low blow from Yuta (the little shit).
Wonder when MJF is gonna nut up and actually work his way to a title shot
LOL Ricochet you rascal!
Just realized if you reverse Ospreay Liger Bomb you take a Styles Clash instead
Admired from afar you say
Also don't break up the House!
Buddy just making connections, I'm sure it's fine.
Lashley is an entertaining bully
All things considered, Hangman is pretty cordial with Jay
his house is across the ocean so hes just devising a plan
I don't trust it
Great that asshole Ricochet showed up
Crazy idea, Kenny wins the belt and beats everybody
It's so crazy it just might work!
These fickle fans cheering Hangman after turning their back on him
I think they're just scared of him and hope that cheering for him will keep him calm
I mean its better than nothing
Roderick?!? The fix is in!
Oh shit! Lance!
Oh no! Hobbs is going to cuck Renee!