To be honest, I'm still annoyed that middle names don't have more relevance. Maybe five or so people know my middle name, all of which are family or relatives. Aside from that, it just makes it more complicated to fill out forms for various government organizations.
A community for a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
I go by my middle name, and the number of people this confuses is amazing.
Middle names are a neat backup you can use if you want to be slightly more anonymous as they are still your legal names after all.
Back when my mum went for (alcohol) rehab, she used one of her middle names instead.
Work in HR for a large organization, a thousand or more employees, when you have a handful of John Smiths, the middle names really start to matter. Even with a hundred or more I’ve had 3 people with the same name before.
Pizza in the middle, of course.
I remember a lot of effort being put into teaching us to stop, drop and roll if we were ever on fire. Kinda thought that knowledge would have been put to the test by now, but I haven't even been on fire once!
I don't know why I thought batteries must have been prohibitively expensive growing up, but that's one thing I've always kept on hand and my kids would never know.