I friggen love X-90s. I dream of having one for a winter vehicle one day.
Side of the Road
That's an actual car? I thought it was something that someone had made.
It's so stupid, I want one.
The fender flares and the snorkel have been added. It's such a weird vehicle. They've got more in common with a truck than any car. They've got a full frame, solid rear axles, and proper 4WD.
The snorkel extending above the roofline is just straight mad 🤣
On the corner of Lexington and Patton ave. in Asheville, NC none the less.
Helene was brutal on Asheville, that snorkel probably came in handy
Sirch & Rascue
Sriracha & Barbecue
Damn that looks like a fun lil car. I have a feeling I wouldn't fit very well in it.
Tiny monster twuck go vrooom.
Even better if the owner has a high pitched voice
Those Samurais can be surprisingly capable offload, especially if they are built for it.
Blocking the crosswalk ramp
There is not enough information. They could be driving very slow or the car in front might have stopped for a second.
Considering they are at the wheel and the crosswalk has a red light, I'd say they are not blocking the crosswalk whatsoever.
This was moving traffic
Whilst driving over it.
It's a photograph. It's not supposed to move. Those are calmed "videos".
It's been 4 hours and it still hasn't changed. Disgraceful behavior.