This industry should not exist at all...
While it doesn't kill like health insurance, entire set up is a rent seeking, parasitic business model. These two companies are imposing 3% tax on gross consumer spending. And we wall accept it like good little bitches for some "points" 🤡
While pedon can only do thoughts and prayers at macro level beyond shit post about it... There is direct action that everyone can take
use case as much as possible.
These clowns created gamified card point systems that, if everyone actually played them right, they would be losing but they are not.
Don't carry balance for stupid shit you don't need. Their golden goose is usurious interest rate they charge on poorly disciplined and fell on hard time peasants.
Every loves talking about the French trash removal techniques but very few people appear to be wiing to make basic behavioural adjustments to dent these parasites profit.
Do better.