Weebs that also use Linux.
Posts must be memes related to Anime and Linux.
You are also strongly encouraged to cite your source ("dish the sauce").
NSFW posts must be tagged.
Dont be an ass.
Seriously. We're only here to have fun.
No reposts allowed.
Anything already posted here, or similar won't be allowed. Cross posts are usually acceptable (as long as it's the only crosspost so far)
No low effort or irrelevant titles allowed.
Don't do something like "Title" or "Haha funny may-may". Be creative.
Any issues should be directed to the mods.
Uh oh. I’m a straight guy using Debian. Am I now destined?
Just remain open minded and inclusive!
-Another straight man.
I always loved Spike's Jackie Chan/Bruce Lee style.
You were a guy^^
Were we ever though?
I take my chances
What about straight guys who use Ubuntu?
I'm pretty sure you have to install your gender via a snap on Ubuntu.
no wonder I run Debian :3