She worked Internal Affairs. So she crossed a cop and they did what cops do.
New Jersey
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... Follow the judicial process?
Yes, cops famously follow the law to the letter.
Suddenly send a four man hit-squad after her? "Good" cops face harassment and threats, but the article doesn't mention any of that. This case is different than reprisal against a "good" cop.
Gotcha, the article doesn't mention it so it must not have happened. Solid police work, sounds like they could use your skills.
The article has quotes from people who have been with her for her whole law enforcement career as well as people who met and spoke with her like a day or two before she was murdered. Why would NBC News leave out any mention of the victim having bad time ahead of her murder?
Total mystery. What could possibly have happened here? Utterly dumbfounded.
Having not heard about this somehow until now… what the fuck
Somehow the drones have been bigger news.
Cops doing cop things to other cops.
Who fucking cares.
This is like hearing a gang member killed another gang member. Oh wait…