Hey there lemmy, I recently transitioned from using notepad to Visual Studio Code along with running a local LLM for autocomplete(faster than copilot, big plus but hot af room)
I was able to make this python script with a bunch of fancy comments and typing silliness. I ended up spamming so many comments. yay documentation! lol
Solve time: ~3 seconds (can swing up to 5 seconds)
from tqdm import tqdm
from os.path import dirname,isfile,realpath,join
from import Callable
def profiler(method) -> Callable[..., any]:
from time import perf_counter_ns
def wrapper_method(*args: any, **kwargs: any) -> any:
start_time = perf_counter_ns()
ret = method(*args, **kwargs)
stop_time = perf_counter_ns() - start_time
time_len = min(9, ((len(str(stop_time))-1)//3)*3)
time_conversion = {9: 'seconds', 6: 'milliseconds', 3: 'microseconds', 0: 'nanoseconds'}
print(f"Method {method.__name__} took : {stop_time / (10**time_len)} {time_conversion[time_len]}")
return ret
return wrapper_method
# Process a secret to a new secret number
# @param n: The secret number to be processed
# @return: The new secret number after processing
def process_secret(n: int) -> int:
Process a secret number by XORing it with the result of shifting left and right operations on itself.
The process involves several bitwise operations to ensure that the resulting number is different from the original one.
First, multiply the original secret number by 64 with a left bit shift, then XOR the original secret number with the new number and prune to get a new secret number
Second, divide the previous secret number by 32 with a right bit shift, then XOR the previous secret number with the new number and prune to get another new secret number
Third, multiply the previous secret number by 2048 with a left bit shift, then XOR the previous secret number with the new number and prune to get the final secret number
Finally, return the new secret number after these operations.
n ^= (n << 6)
n &= 0xFFFFFF
n ^= (n >> 5)
n &= 0xFFFFFF
n ^= (n << 11)
return n & 0xFFFFFF
# Solve Part 1 and Part 2 of the challenge at the same time
def solve(secrets: list[int]) -> tuple[int, int]:
# Build a dictionary for each buyer with the tuple of changes being the key and the sum of prices of the earliest occurrence for each buyer as the value
# At the same time we solve Part 1 of the challenge by adding the last price for each secret
last_price_sum = 0
changes_map = {}
for start_secret in (secrets):
# Keep track of seen patterns for current secret
changes_seen = set()
# tuple of last 4 changes
# first change is 0 because it is ignored
last_four_changes = tuple([
-(cur_secret%10) + ((cur_secret:=process_secret(cur_secret)) % 10) ,
-(cur_secret%10) + ((cur_secret:=process_secret(cur_secret)) % 10) ,
-(cur_secret%10) + ((cur_secret:=process_secret(cur_secret)) % 10)
current_price = sum(last_four_changes)
# Map 4-tuple of changes -> sum of prices index of earliest occurrence for all secrets
for i in range(3, 1999):
# sliding window of last four changes
last_four_changes = (*last_four_changes[1:], -(cur_secret%10) + (current_price := (cur_secret:=process_secret(cur_secret)) % 10) )
# if we have seen this pattern before, then we continue to next four changes
# otherwise, we add the price to the mapped value
# this ensures we only add the first occurence of a patten for each list of prices each secret produces
if last_four_changes not in changes_seen:
# add to the set of seen patterns for this buyer
# If not recorded yet, store the price
# i+4 is the index of the price where we sell
changes_map[last_four_changes] = changes_map.get(last_four_changes, 0) + current_price
# Sum the 2000th price to the total sum for all secrets
last_price_sum += cur_secret
# Return the sum of all prices at the 2000th iteration and the maximum amount of bananas that one pattern can obtain
return last_price_sum,max(changes_map.values())
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Read buyers' initial secrets from file or define them here
BASE_DIR = dirname(realpath(__file__))
with open(join(BASE_DIR, r'input'), "r") as f:
secrets = [int(x) for x in]
last_price_sum,best_score = solve(secrets)
print("Part 1:")
print(f"sum of each of the 2000th secret number:", last_price_sum)
print("Part 2:")
print("Max bananas for one of patterns:", best_score)