I start strong on Monday, and slowly fade by Thurs.
Friday, I am a shell.
funny, silly, whatevs.
keep it comedic
I start strong on Monday, and slowly fade by Thurs.
Friday, I am a shell.
~ $
mondays I tend to be trying to reacquaint myself with what I was doing and planning for the rest of the week. I get initial communications or touch bases on the various outstanding things and look over any documentation to get a fresh look at it. unless I geek out on something then all bets are off.
This feels about right, except sometimes I save a little oomph for Thursday, or Friday if it's something I can solo
oh man. Im not sure I can pull 14% on a monday.
And 42% on Hump Day? Preposterous.
If you work for a Musk company, it's only fair to put in as much time as Musk does at that company.