This is good, but they really need to think of actually including stories rather than just using them as extended trailers. The last PlayStation episode was the worst for this, we could have had a fantastic Helldivers short in the same vein as the Helldivers 2 trailer, but instead it's obvious Sony wanted to make sure we remembered they made Shadow of the Colossus and some bicycle delivery game.
This evident in the Megan short as well, by the end of the episode I was super hyped for a Megaman fight against something big and spectacular then it just...ended. I think the short was less than 5 minutes.
Also out of the entire library of games that could be chosen, I'm not sure how Exodus made it in, unless they straight up paid for the episode as an ad.
If season 2 can really just focus on stories in properties that have some popularity I'll be excited.