I mean, he has a point. Specifically the one he got stabbed with.
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What is with people responding to what Islam stands for and being like "Yes, thats a great thing they have going there, we should consider them role models"?
The kind of ideology you defend would call you a fakir if you were not born a Muslim and probably behead you if you said anything that would be perceived as an insult to their god.
This is fine if it is confined to their own followers but why should they expect tolerance if they don't tolerate outsiders?
There is a lot of hate in that article. It's basically just bashing Islam and pretending it's news. If these are the kind of authors defending him, he probably deserved the fine.
Just copy paste "religion of peace" for like 5 paragraph instead.
A religion where women don't have equal rights doesnt deserve to exist. You are okay with christian conservative bullshit?
No, but I know a dog whistle when I see one.
Yeah i agree but you have to understand it takes a lot of effort to be careful with words. Doesnt mean someone deserves a beheading.
Someone being arrested for criticizing a religion is pretty newsworthy to be fair
Germany doing a fascism? Color me surprised.