this post was submitted on 29 Nov 2024
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founded 1 year ago

Welcome, wrestlefriends, to SCZ's first ever "Fantasy Booking Friday"!

Hangman Edition

Each Friday, we'll be presenting a scenario for a fictional wrestling storyline or premium live event, and it's up to you, dear wrestlefriend, to play armchair booker and decide how you would make it happen. Your submissions can be as straight forward, or as goofy as you like, the only rule is: keep it in the realm of wrestling (Death Battle already booked Goku vs Superman).

This week's scenario:

The year is 1995, Vince McMahon and Ted Turner have (mostly) set their differences aside to put on a one-time WCW vs WWF pay per view. However, there are caveats: Vince refuses to let any of his "New Generation" wrestle against Hulk Hogan, and neither promotion can make the other look weak by dominating the card.

Just to be clear, this is not a contest, there are no prizes to be ~~one~~ won. This is simply a space for fantasy booking and the discussion that comes with that. Also, this is fantasy booking, you're allowed to misremember some historical details. No one's going to cancel you if you can't completely recall which wrestler was working for which company 3 decades ago.

top 9 comments
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[–] Sea_Foam_Green 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Main Event: Four Horsemen (Flair, Anderson, McMichael, Benoit) vs HBK / Diesel / 1-2-3 Kid / Razor Ramon - Wargames match

Bret vs Sting - Best 2/3 falls

Bull Nanako vs Alundra Blaze

Dustin and Dusty Rhodes vs Isaac Yankem and Undertaker

Paul Orndorff vs Mr. Perfect - Strap match

Meng vs Fatu

Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart vs Stunning Steve Austin and Brian Pullman

Men on a Mission with Vader vs Chris Benoit - 3v1 Handicap “I Quit” match

I’m aware of booking Benoit twice. Call it payment in advance.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Main Event: Four Horsemen (Flair, Anderson, McMichael, Benoit) vs HBK / Diesel / 1-2-3 Kid / Razor Ramon - Wargames match

Bret vs Sting - Best 2/3 falls

Paul Orndorff vs Mr. Perfect - Strap match

15 year old me would love to see these matches. Hell, 44 year old me, too.

[–] Sea_Foam_Green 5 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Is the aim for the audiences’ entertainment or Meltzer star stickers?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Entertainment I'd say. The star stickers are too subjective and easy to harvest.

Book Doink vs Brock Lesnar. Put it in the Tokyo Dome, instant 5 Dave Points™ cause of the venue lmao.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

That's your choice. You can book the 1995 dream matches you'd want to see, or take a meta approach and book a show designed to make Meltzer cream his jeans*. As I said, this isn't a contest. The only prizes are ~~fake internet points~~ upvotes.

*I regretted that as soon as I typed it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

This is just a test to see if this gains any traction, so I'm not keen on fleshing out a lot of fancy rules, just yet.

I've got scenario ideas for at least two more weeks.

If you have an idea for a future FBF scenario, reply to this comment.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I haven't been able to come up with a full card but I have two matches.

Moustached Rick Rude vs clean shaven Rick Rude. When they lock up they get sucked through a hole in the space time continuum. Ruled a no contest.

Undertaker vs Sting in a casket match. Sting tries to come down from the rafters but Taker pushes the casket to where he'd land. Sting goes back up and tries a different place but Taker move the casket again. This keeps happening until it's ruled a time limit draw.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Undertaker vs Sting in a casket match. Sting tries to come down from the rafters but Taker pushes the casket to where he’d land. Sting goes back up and tries a different place but Taker move the casket again. This keeps happening until it’s ruled a time limit draw.

Love it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Undertaker vs Sting in a casket match. Sting tries to come down from the rafters but Taker pushes the casket to where he'd land. Sting goes back up and tries a different place but Taker move the casket again. This keeps happening until it's ruled a time limit draw.

LMAO That's awesome! 🤣