I mean, productivity in what sense? Artists can be considered productive with just one completed piece.
Housing Bubble 2: Return of the Ugly
A community for discussing and documenting the second great housing bubble.
Only if somebody with disposable income pays. Art has no intrinsic value UNlike a commodity for example.
On the contrary, art has intrinsic value to those who experience it. Why commission public murals, Why commission public statues and sculptures, if art has no intrinsic value?
Because it has subjective value. And often times those public pieces aren't there to showcase art for arts sake, but as a showcase of how much the politician cares about the community. In a purely theatrical way, of course.
And, depending on ones own interpretation, assigning intrinsic material value to art reduces it's value as art. Making it less art and more commodity.
Hmm. Maybe you're right. But I still think art for art's sake is worth appreciating and supporting.
But of course. No one said otherwise.
That doesn't mean it has intrinsic material value, though. That being the metric inferred by the comic we're all talking about.