The 6.12 kernel UHD630 graphics worked when not compiled for realtime but just voluntary preemption. So I have filed Bug 219510. I suspect the kernel team will refer me to Intel since they actually maintain this driver, then Intel will say well it worked when the kernel people didn't hack it for real time and it will end up going nowhere but time will tell. Without a working display, I can't really test KVM/QEMU so will have to wait for action on this bug.
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As I expected, it got bounced over to Intel and the basic response was it's not ready yet.
Does this turn Linux into a RTOS that can do stuff like control the ECU or traction control for a motorcycle?
From what I'm hearing: yes
But you'd still be crazy to use it for either of those purposes, given how safety critical they are. I expect it would be more likely used in robots like Spot, or manufacturing robots.
Yea, given how new it is i probably wouldn't trust it for something that important. But in-theory it's meant to handle that type of embedded system
I've avoided RT thus far because it was incompatible with KVM/QEMU. Am curious if this is still the case. Guess I can compile and install on my workstation and see
if my virtual machines still work.
I've avoided RT thus far because it was incompatible with KVM/QEMU. Am curious if this is still the case.
I didn't even realize that this was a known problem.
Guess I can compile and install on my workstation and see if my virtual machines still work.
I'd appreciate it if you could also let me know how it goes! I'm hoping that it just_works.™️ on your end🫡
I'm still a bit of a Linux noob but when I updated my kernel to the latest a few months ago it broke VMware and I couldn't get it to work again . I don't remember the exact errors at this point but I determined it was definitely a kernel issue . I'm using Ubuntu for now btw .
I tested it with 6.11 and the performance was kind of bad but it could have been a one off. I'm generally happy with full preemption though.
Is there any work being to certify specific kernel versions for safety
for you
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