this post was submitted on 19 Nov 2024
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This Tree For Crows

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This is a tree. I am a crow. I share plans, blueprints for revolution. How good are they? You’ll be the judge. Don’t like it? Change it. Ignore it. I don’t have the power over you. Come join the conspiracy, because we are done living in hell.

Everything here is temporal. I wrote drafts, post said incomplete drafts. If time is right, I will go back to edit those drafts. Because sometimes a bit of back and fort is needed to get things right.

That’s for me. For you? You can do whatever you want. Until I have a more structured plan for this place that is.

This place will remain active until evicted from due to potential risk associated. Discord and Mastodon links below if you don’t want to lose contact with me.

Now with that being said, friends, foes, welcome to the black tree.



founded 4 months ago

Sorry I’m bad at expressing myself cohesively. I am a person that thinks a lot but rarely speak. So for the most part I am just going to splat everything inside my head raw and call it beauty. I don’t want to oversell my intellect or claim I can solve the problem you are facing. But I do have something unique to share. And I do think it can work. If you are not afraid to get things dirty. As to what you’ll get out of it... I hope is the uplifted spirit. Another perspective... Unity. to fight, and the determination to overcome fascism.

That is the feeling I want you to have. But eh. Whatever. Start the topic.

Okay. You people, need to stand up for yourselves now.

I am going to try to guide you how to survive and overcome this.

Start with obvious. First, move to democratic cities if you can. I don’t have much else to elaborate on this. So move on.

Now you need to count your tools.

  • You have the economical power at your side. You can strike. One of the big goal of fascist is about profit and economy. Rich billionaires behind Trump might flinch if you managed to tank their company.

  • You have the number. 50% of the population siding with you. You are not powerless.

  • You have blue states.

  • You have guns.

  • And this and that. Lay this down here. So I can move on to other things.

  • You also have other countries like Canada, Mexico, EU... I don’t know what you can do with them. Or if they would offer any help or intervention. In what way? Anyway. Ask them if they are willing to provide anything at all to help you guys. No harm trying. The permission to move logistics between blue states through Canada would be nice.

  • Also, what Republicans wanted to achieve in their agenda is economically, logistically, and in all and every other way impossible, and will strain their time, manpower, finance, and everything else to the brink of collapse. So don’t worry. A lot of people will die. But they are pretty much beatable.

  • You also have “crow march”. A concept I invented. Now listen, this part is going to be hard. You can’t shut your brains off, and think this won’t happen, or it won’t be this bad. Now be ready.

A crow don’t bury those who departed. If a crow was gone. They will make sure every crows witness the act. Democrows, Republicrows, every crow. Now imagine if they are not crows, but humans; Not one, but many. Victims from police brutality, from abortion ban, from mass shooting, from preventable work accident and disease…

Strip them clean, then put the body onto a cross for march, let them out on display for 3 months or longer. Spread the image. Generate controversy. Protect the body. Do not let cops, or any other people get to it. Throw body parts at the cops, the right politicians if you have the chance. Also, people working with internet service must resist internet shutdown. People working with media company must resist their censorship. They need to let gore image pass the filter, to spread to impact the viewers. It will either radicalize Dems to come out and do more, or de-radicalize Reps to back down. But I know with how things shaping out, crow march is not going to stop them. So lets continue on.

  • Talk to republican voters. I know. I know. You don’t want to. I won’t blame you if you don’t want to at this point of time. They just got their victory. You can’t change them. But in 3 months, then in 6 and onward this will matter. Also I want to get the less useful ideas out before moving into the more useful ones, This is one of those. But this can still hold some strategical significance so don’t flat out rejects it. Talk. Not in person. Talk thru phone or internet. It doesn’t need to be you to talk to them. Pick someone with dedicated role who can handle heat professionally. Don’t need to talk politics. Just need you to be human, and treat them like human. Tell them you voted democrats and nothing further unless they ask. Don’t judge. Don’t defend your position. Don’t attack them for their positions. Don’t over invest. Just talk and listen. Keep a channel open so they are not stuck in an echo chamber, and the divide won’t grow further. If the conversation become hostile beyond salvation, then there is one last thing you should do. Warn them to not get involved with violence. Tell them If they are willing to just chill a little, look around, they should realize they are not the one in immediate danger. They have no reason to partake in any part of violence. Then you take your leave.

  • Talk to democrat voters. Organize. Help each other to go through this. Train how to use gun, barricade, aids, hideout, and stuff. I won’t going to mention much about organizing. You know it better than I do. And this is not an article about that. So move on. Promise each other they won’t be abandoned. No one will be left behind to be deported, or die.

  • This is a very important promise that need to comes from you, the people and not the politicians.

  • It’s only when everyone feel safe, loved, protected, that they can fight and resist effectively.

  • You can lose 100 battle and still come back if the sentiment is there.

  • This is not a goal you can realistically achieve. You probably can’t do much to help people that are not in the blue state. But it’s the sentiment you must carry out without condition. And with all your might and conviction.

  • Hug around Democrat politicians. However shitty they are.

  • Building a new party from stretch is hard, and all the people that would support you are already inside the Dem.

  • They still have the entrenched institutional power from decades of inertia. There are still people like Bernie and AOC within the party.

  • You still need them to represent and fight for you. Just a bit longer I promise you.

  • Republicans are not going to jail or kill them. Not right away.

  • But make sure to defend them, protect them, guard them, shield them with everything you have regardless. No matter the cost. Especially the less prominent ones.

  • I want to separate Dem party into 3 group in the context I needed. Donors, Politicians, and Voters. Donors can move to Reps with welcome arms. Politicians and voters are both fucked.

  • Rep politicians will rather have Dem politicians as enemy. One, they don’t need Dems politicians to do the job they are already doing, two, even if individual Dem politician willing to embrace right doesn’t mean they are likely to move their base right. So they are effectively useless. Three, Reps need an out-group to crusade against to appease their own base of power. So, high profile name holder Dems like Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie, AOC and others are fucked they aren’t getting away easily. But they have strong control to the party. So protect them. Try to convince them to stick with us.

  • The only Dems they want are the people that will sabotage other Dems from the inside. This type of people will also threaten the survival of other Dem politicians, include the upper brass. So with that as motivator, urge them to treat the threat seriously. As for the us, the people, another political system should be proposed to more equally distribute their power into the hands of the people. I will give you the framework later.

  • Dem politicians no matter who they are will likely be attacked by political opponents by legal means or by stochastic terrorism, even if some of them tried to work with the Republicans after the election.

  • If your representative feel discouraged or scared, they might stop fighting, selling you out, resign, or flee. If that happens you’ll lose a lot of legal and institutional power, and any vernier of legitimacy you ever had.

  • To deal with those Dem politicians who want to abandon trans, marginalized people, do you remember the promise I mentioned about no one left behind? You need to turn that rhetoric way way louder. Surpass the noise coming from the top. To Shut them up.

  • Tell them this is not a democrats problem, not a lgbtq problem, not a non voter problem, it’s a whole america problem. They need step up to represent all of America, represent even the republican voters that will be hurt. Not just their party. Hope this rhetoric could get through them. But if that doesn’t go through them, a few case of assassination attempts from the right probably would. It should be clean pack from there on.

  • Next, create a parallel government or call it a supplemental government around Democrats if you can, outside of legal system if Democrats don’t want be associated with it.

  • Progressive Dems are very likely to join even if the rest are likely to decline. Having progressive left on the board is good enough. -But if progressive left are in it, then chance that the rest of the neo-liberal Dems will be force to engage dialogue in or with this newly created framework increases as well.

  • Then convince all democrats voters and possibly non voters to join in and engage with the system.

  • Then bring in Rep voters to engage with the system. Our of rage, curiosity, malicious intent or whatever.

  • And then also bring in foreigners.

  • More engagement brings us legitimacy. Bigger numbers brings us legitimacy. Attacks help us understand the weakness of and improve the system. A robust system that can withstand attack, will bring confidence, thus legitimacy.

  • If Rep politicians refuse to engage then they will be the ones left out. If they engage, then by their action, they validate the system.

  • But this is not the victory I waste so much of your time on. It solves nothing.

  • Now here is the system I proposed. You can take a glance at it now, or look at it in depth later.

  • The premise of this “parallel/supplemental” government and their role at the beginning is very simple -- self preservation, provide sanctuary, prevent and mitigate harm for anyone in need, to “Catch America when they fall.” To “Represent the unrepresented”. This is the front facing sentiment we need to make clear impression on people’s mind.

For those skip the image. What I proposed in theory should be a direct-democracy-esque system. It’s not a software, it’s a concept, a concept you can run on. The Dem representatives are free to participate alongside you. But they don’t have the control over.

The primary goal of the system is to:

  • Show people a working alternative system.

  • Put power into the people’s hands.

  • We need to have something up and running before the current system is completely gone.

  • We need a system to call our own. Because without an alternative everyone will and can only default to the Republican drafted laws. Without a system of our own we will have no good reason or excuse or anchor or cohesion to resist and challenge Reps narrative and rulings.

  • You don’t need to use the system I developed. You can take inspiration from other countries, from past constitutions, socialist/anarchist theory, or develop or mismatch your own.

  • But the system I design can address things like disinformation, “first past the post”, “tyranny of the majority” and some other problems. It’s not perfect, but you can borrow some concept or develop the rest from there.

  • If you can incorporate it into state law then great. If not, whatever. Laws mean nothing anymore. Make whatever excuse you want. Legal, illegal, cling to state law, cling to Christianity, cling to Ancient constitution, cling to new global movement, cling on “the people”, cling to Roman empire… whatever.

  • Do you know why I included foreigners into the movement? Because the internet is border-less.

  • To be an optimistic, my bigger goal is to grow this project into a true colossal global governmental body encompass EU, Canada, Mexico Africa and the rest of the world. It become something bigger than USA, or any singular nation. And by then, Republicans will no longer post threat to you. No country can post a threat to you.

  • Then with this new global governmental body, we can overcome the rise of fascism and then tackle climate change together.

  • So, no matter which country you are from, please join in to make this work.

  • If your country is not corrupt. You can also pressure the government itself to join in the movement. That will bring more legitimacy and make other country joining easier.

  • But pass a tipping point your government cannot stop you. Even in places like Iran or China. It’s logistically impossible. It would become safer for them to join by their own volition and negotiate a peaceful and lucrative retirement, or an advisory/supervisory role if they still want to cling on to power. Thus resolve the issue relatively amicably. That’s what I hope.

  • Then we tackle climate change.

  • Honestly, I think this is the best outcome for our future.

  • But now lets’ turn back to USA. Let’s assume a global coalition is not happening.

  • Draw a line or a few lines, made it clear to all Republicans that it is a line which you and all other Democrats will defend with lives. “Don’t harm x”, “don’t infringe x right”, “don’t do x”… You all can decide what the line is. They will ignore it. Do is to bring all people to the same page, to agree on to a powerful turning point where all actions to be put forth without reservation.

  • Use Republican’s viciousness as your tool. Everything they do and want to implement will cause harm to people in one way or another. They are also very stupid and prone to fucking things up. And now they are in control. Those factors has the potential to sway people back to your side again. Utilize that to your best ability. Don’t let their fuck ups to waste.

That’s also why I need you to keep a channel open to republican voters. I know you don’t want to, but you must have someone periodically reaches out to them. And it is at this point you can finally talk sense into their head. These are the talking points.

  • How much they’ve/we all lost. Family, friends, peace, unity, healthcare, retirement…

  • You want them to weep for what they’ve lose.

  • They you want them to look toward for our future, tell them what we can be, and how are we going to make things better, rebuild, gain, protect…

  • Then you want to tell them how little they need to do, how easy it is, or that they don’t need to do anything. Don’t vote for Reps, don’t pay taxes, don’t fight, don’t participate…

  • Any bits helps.

  • Now, hunker down, hang on, buy time until another election, or till Republican party lose their appeal, or till the system I proposed adopted, globally, and unite the world. Or until Trump die. They won’t be another popular uprising within the right. Because Republicans that are closest to the power will not allow it.

  • A lot of people in governmental or other important institutional position will be fired. Teachers, doctors, scientists, … Recruit them. Bring them into the system. I don’t necessary mean that we relocate them to blue state. Wire funds to them, let them continue to provide their service in their original location if possible. That will also be one of the way we can gain territory.

  • With passing time we could become more and more representing an actual governmental body, and Reps more like a group of ragtag bandits. If they want to fully dismantle the government, then they are no longer the government. And we still are.

  • If both crow march and de-radicalization effort fail, a hot conflict might become inevitable.

  • But hear this -- Logistic, commerce, and trades must, and will flow. If they can’t break you in 6 months or a year, or two years, then they will have to give up and accept coexistence. Or they can go eat grass, or be roasted on a stick by a mob of angry peasants. Whichever they prefer.

  • And with everything tools I illustrate to you, I can promise that you will not be broken. Not going to happen.

All of this, planning of resistance. You can talk openly right now before anything happens. You must talk openly. Let not just dems know, but the reps voters, and their politicians too. Why?

  • So the softer Dems are mentally prepared.

  • Force the Dems politicians to make decisions instead of sitting around doing nothing.

  • Force the media, Rep voters, low information voters and non voters to care.

  • Force the Reps to respond to your open talk of resistance, to properly acknowledge their intention, to say they are indeed going to kill you and all Democrats out loud, or force them to re-evaluate their chances of success, and the irreversible consequence if they still decided to push it through.

  • Force the military to make response or statements.

  • Force foreign nations and the people from other nations to make response or statements.

  • Then hopefully nothing happens after the open declairation. Both side play it in their head before commit it into actions. We make political commitment to their agenda, then they make adjustment to our commitment, then we make further calibration to their adjustment… then everyone realize the whole thing is a terrible idea, they don’t have as clear path to Totalitarianism as they initially thought, they don’t want to go through this. Then no one dies, nothing happen.

  • Then the goal here then become to reduce harm and prevent tragedy, not fighting fascism. If no blood is spilled, then the fight can return to political, sociological and ideological arena. It’s kind of unsatisfying after al the bigger than life event I draft out for you. But for moral reason, I think that would be the best outcome for everyone.

  • That’s why I think you should be loud and open. In contrast, you’ll gain nothing from hiding. Less people know, worse on the ground coordination, politicians will still delusion with “working together”, military and foreign nations will be hesitant to give support, fascist will be even more embolden. Climate will die... Hiding is hoping your enemy to have mercy to not rig the next election, wasting 2 years in abject misery hoping on a limp dick party that can’t pull themselves together for the mid-term. If you hide you’ll be doom from the get go.


  • Police and military are humans. What I mean is they can be scared, feel tired, stress, fatigue. And have basic instinct for their own survival. Trump policies will also affect them. Also they have families and undefended properties… Make them feel the job is not worth to keeping. Force them to quit their job that way.
  • The chance of anyone going down under is lower than you think. 1-3% of the total population at best. I think. It’s a lot. But in a big statistic sense you have nothing to be afraid of.

Now all I’ve been talking is about fighting back. But there’s another option -- to wait it out. I won’t blame you for choosing this option. It’s true, Fascist regime won’t last forever. It’s also true, that they are very incompetent. It’s true you all have at least one last chance in 2 years mid-term election. But things can also go very wrong before that. So you need to think what if you can’t wait it out? At what point waiting it out become no longer an option? And we truly must fight them head on? At what level of casualties? Or critical laws being revoked? What is the cut off point? If this is the path you all pick, then you all have to discuss it now.

Which path should you as a whole pick? I won’t deny I have bias toward the former option. And if you are still reading my this, you can feel the influence of this bias. So which path should you as a whole pick? I thought about it for a bit, and I think you should evaluate your choice in a goal orientated manner.

  • Can you bring all the Dems to band together?
  • Can you bring the bigger world outside of US to build this common cause? Can you reach those two goals? What action you should take depends mostly on if you think you can hit those two conditions.

I cannot predict the future. What I did just now is paint you a more exaggerated picture. A story. But this story shapes your perception. Before that you were dooming, hopeless. There are things you can do at any juncture of the road. Now you can see a path forward even in the darkest of the nights, I think that’s something. Also, I think the system I developed is genuinely have the potential to be the next big step in building democracy.

My take could be wrong. Fatally so. But nothing this complex comes out right the first time. Batter person can come out and make correction to it. So spread this out even if you disagree with me. Please rather have a throughout discussion with the whole society than trying to bury the uncomfortable message you see.

I said my words. I will say more if I need to. I’m not an American, and my English is not that good. It would be nice if somebody willing to re-format this. But I think you all can understand me just fine. Good luck, I love you all, Be safe comrades.

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